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About a paging, no thought, want to consult.


online reference code implements a basic pagination function, not fully implemented, has no better ideas, consult everybody here,
1: now displays all pages, should be a show only [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] [6,7,8,9,10],12,13,14,15 [11] this page;
2: JS which parts should improve?

Thank you very much!
Here are all the code
 & lt; ! DOCTYPE html> 

<meta charset="utf-8" & gt;
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device - width, initial - scale=1.0" & gt;
<meta HTTP - equiv="X - UA - Compatible" content="ie=edge" & gt;
Go Coding!
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
Border: none;
list-style: none;
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 12px;

Body {
Padding: 20 px;

The title {
font-size: 16px;
Color: # f80;

. List> Li {
Padding: 6 px;
Border - bottom: 1 px solid # eee;

The pagination {
Padding: 4 px;

Pagination a {
display: inline-block;
Padding: 4 px;
Margin: 0 4 px 0 0;
Color: # 00 c;


    Let data={
    https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/"A list" : [
    {" id ": 1," title ": 2001},
    {" id ": 2," title ": 2002},
    {" id ": 3," title ": 2003},
    {" id ": 4," title ": 2004},
    5, {" id ":" title ": 2005},
    {" id ": 6," title ": 2006},
    {" id ": 7," title ": 2007},
    {" id ": 8," title ": 2008},
    {9, "id" : "title" : 2009},
    {" id ": 10," title ": 2010},
    11, {" id ":" title ": 2011},
    12, {" id ":" title ": 2012},
    13, {" id ":" title ": 2013},
    {" id ": 14," title ": 2014},
    {" id ": 15," title ": 2015},
    16, {" id ":" title ": 2016},

    Let the list=data. The list;
    The console. The log (` list - length: ${list. Length} `);

    Pagination ({
    "The current - page" : 1,
    "Page - size: 5,

    The function pagination (par) {
    Let the listBox=document. QuerySelector (" list ");
    Let num=data. List. Length;
    Let totalPage=0;
    Let pageSize=par [" page - size "];
    Let currentPage=par [" current - page "];

    If (num/pageSize & gt; ParseInt (num/pageSize)) {
    TotalPage=parseInt (num/pageSize) + 1;
    } else {
    TotalPage=parseInt (num/pageSize);

    Let sliceStart=(currentPage - 1) * pageSize;
    Let sliceEnd pageSize=currentPage *;
    SliceEnd=sliceEnd & gt; Num? Num: sliceEnd;

    Let dataSlice=data. List. Slice (sliceStart sliceEnd);
    Let listText="";
    For (let the item of dataSlice) {
    ListText +=`

  • `;
    ListBox. InnerHTML=listText;

    Let htmlText="";
    If (currentPage & gt; 1) {
    HtmlText +=`
    Previous page


    For (the let I=1; I & lt; TotalPage + 1; I++) {
    HtmlText +=`
    The ${I}


    If (currentPage & lt; TotalPage) {
    HtmlText +=`
    The next page


    Let pagination=document. QuerySelector (" pagination ");
    Pagination. InnerHTML=htmlText;

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