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Why is Kotlin creating nested maps when uploading to Firebase?


I'm making an app that periodically uploads your step data to Firestore for tracking purposes, and I add all the step data with date:steps in key:value pairs of a hashmap, but for some reason, each individual key:value pair goes into a nested map as value with the key as some arbitrary number. I can't figure out why this is happening. Here's the code:

        val stepMap = HashMap<String, String>()
        for (dp in dataSet.dataPoints) {

            Log.i(TAG,"Data point:")
            Log.i(TAG,"\tType: ${dp.dataType.name}")
            Log.i(TAG,"\tStart: ${dp.getStartTimeString()}")
            Log.i(TAG,"\tEnd: ${dp.getEndTimeString()}")
            for (field in dp.dataType.fields) {
                Log.i(TAG,"\tField: ${field.name.toString()} Value: ${dp.getValue(field)}")
                stepMap.put("${dp.getStartTimeString()}", "${dp.getValue(field)}")


            .document("" GoogleSignIn.getLastSignedInAccount(this).email)
            .update(LocalDateTime.now().toString(), stepMap)

This is what the data looks like on Firestore: error on Firebase

I need it to look like this: what it should look like

CodePudding user response:

Try =>

.document("" GoogleSignIn.getLastSignedInAccount(this).email)
.update(LocalDateTime.now().toString(), FieldValue.arrayUnion(stepMap))

CodePudding user response:

Assuming that you have a database structure that looks like this:

  --- users (collection)
       --- $email (document)
             --- UploadTime (Map)
                   --- StartTime1: "value1"
                   --- StartTime2: "value2"
                   --- StartTime3: "value3"

To update the values of StartTime1, StartTime2 and StartTime3 that exist under the UploadTime property, please use the following lines of code:

    .document("" GoogleSignIn.getLastSignedInAccount(this).email)
            "UploadTime.StartTime1", "value4",
            "UploadTime.StartTime2", "value5",
            "UploadTime.StartTime3", "value6"
    ).addOnCompleteListener(/* ... /*);

The result in your database will be:

  --- users (collection)
       --- $email (document)
             --- UploadTime (Map)
                   --- StartTime1: "value4"
                   --- StartTime2: "value5"
                   --- StartTime3: "value6"

Since it's an update operation, all the other fields in the document will remain untoched.

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