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Unity Broken text PPtr when saving asset


I recently upgraded my version of Unity 2021.1 and now when I call AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(), I get the error

[Worker0] Broken text PPtr in file(Assets/Game/Dialogue/Dialogue.asset). Local file identifier (1528208011795455128) doesn't exist!

I never had this error in the previous version of Unity. Everything still works but this error does popup in the console on the AseetDatabase.SaveAssets() call. It only occurs when I create a new node for my dialog system.

I added a button to my dialog editor than when clicked it calls AssetDatabase.SaveAssets() and this doesn't throw the error but I don't want this. I want to save whenever I add a new node.

public DialogueNode CreateNode(DialogueNode parent, Vector2 position)
    var newNode = MakeNode(parent, position);
    Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(newNode, "Create Dialogue Node");
    Undo.RecordObject(this, "Add Dialogue Node");
    return newNode;

private DialogueNode MakeNode(DialogueNode parent, Vector2 position)
    DialogueNode newNode = CreateInstance<DialogueNode>();
    newNode.name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
    newNode.SetSize(140, 40);
    if (parent != null)
        newNode.Parent = parent;
        newNode.IsPlayerSpeaking = !parent.IsPlayerSpeaking;
        newNode.SetPosition(parent.Rect.position   newNodeOffset, Grid.GridSnapSize);
        if (parent.Children.Count > 1)
            parent.SetSize(new Rect(parent.Rect.x, parent.Rect.y, 150, 40));
        newNode.SetPosition(position, Grid.GridSnapSize);
    return newNode;

private void AddNode(DialogueNode newNode)
    newNode.Text = "";

private void Save() => AssetDatabase.SaveAssets();

public void CreateNew()
    if (nameForNew == "")

    var newItem = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<T>();
    newItem.name = "New "   typeof(T); //May not need

    if (path == "")
     path = "Assets/";

     AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(newItem, path   "\\"   nameForNew   ".asset");

     nameForNew = "";

CodePudding user response:

I think you should try to rather explicitly use AssetDatabase.CreateAsset for your new created asset.

  • Makes more sense than saving all assets across the entire project
  • your new asset doesn't have any save path yet so where would you expect unity to save it persistently?

You basically are creating and storing only a "virtual" instance of a ScriptableObjec without the according persistent asset ...

So I think what the error means is you are trying to save (= serialize) your base/parent node including the according child node references.

However, since you never create the actual assets these references can not be serialized and are valid only temporary.

CodePudding user response:

After many trial and error attempts and hours of debugging I was able to solve it.

EditorApplication.delayCall  = AssetDatabase.SaveAssets;

Now whenever I call AssetDatabase.SaveAssets() from the Save() function, I no longer get these errors. It appears I have to wait for the inspector to be updated. With this method, the call to AssetDatabase.SaveAssets() will be delayed until the inspector has been refreshed.

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