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JQuery asynchronous ajax


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Development tools and key technology: Visual Studio 2015 & amp; & JQuery

Author: WeiYongGui

Time to write:
May 05, 2020
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1, to get the data from the server to the page/jQuery

FunctionjqGetData () {

$. Ajax ({

Type: "get", [type]

Url: "/jQueryAjax getPersonInfor", [request address]

Async: true, set the asynchronous

DataType: "json" server returns the data type of the [expected]

Success: the function (data) {[is an object, along with the request sent to the server data]

$(" # txtName "). Val (data. Name);

$(" # cboSex "). Val (data. Sex);

$(" # txtAddress "). Val (data. The address);




2, the page data submitted to the server/jQuery

FunctionjqSubmitForm () {

Var name=$(" # txtName "). Val ();

Var sex=$(" # cboSex "). Val ();

Var address=$(" # txtAddress "). Val ();

If (name=="" | | sex==0 | | address==" ") {

Alert (" please check whether the data is complete ");

return false;


Var frmdata="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/name=" + name + "& amp; Sex="+ +" sex & amp; Address="+ address;

Var serData=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/$(" # myform "). The serialize (); [serialize () sequence form content as the string, used for Ajax requests


Var arrData=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/$(" # myform "). SerializeArray (); [serializeArray () serialized form elements (like 'serialize ()' method) returns a JSON data structure, data]

The console. The log (serData);

The console. The log (arrData);

$. Ajax ({

Type: "post", [type]

Url: "/jQueryAjax getDataByFormCollection", [request address]

Data: arrData, [is an object, along with the request is sent to the server data]

Success: the function (MSG) {[success: it is a way, after the success of the request of the callback function, the incoming data after the return, and a string containing success code]

Alert (MSG);

{}, error: function (XMLHTTP)

The console. The log (XMLHTTP);




3, in the jQuery $. The get () method and $. Post () method

Grammar: $. Get or $. Post (url, [data], [callback], [type])

Description: through remote HTTP GET or POST request loading information

Url: send a request address,

Data: sent the Key/value parameter,

The callback: send success callback function,

Type: return content format, XML, HTML, script, json, text, _default,

Using the $. Get () or $. Post method to get data from the server

FunctiongetFun () {

$.get ("/jQueryAjax getPersonInfor ", function (data) {

$(" # txtName "). Val (data. Name);

$(" # cboSex "). Val (data. Sex);

$(" # txtAddress "). Val (data. The address);

}, "json");


FunctionpostFun () {

$.post ("/jQueryAjax getDataByRequest frmData, function (MSG) {

$(" # txtName "). Val ();

$(" # cboSex "). Val ();

$(" # txtAddress "). Val ();

}, "json");


CodePudding user response:

The good, the collection,

CodePudding user response:

Collect the spare,
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