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adding regular button to datatable - shiny app


I use datatable in my shiny app. I want to add a button close to the search button. when I click on the button I want to call the function: observeEvent(input[["btn"]] this is my code:

   DT::renderDataTable(rownames = FALSE,                         
                               DT::datatable(my_df,extensions = 'Buttons',  
                  options = list(info  = FALSE, paging = FALSE, 
                                 dom='Bfrtip', buttons= list('copy')

It's looks great, but instead of the copy button I want a regular button that call this function: observeEvent(input[["btn"]] any idea how can I do it?

CodePudding user response:

Let's define a custom button.

Change the button label by text, change the shiny input ID in setInputValue, change mydf_btn to whatever you want.


ui <- fluidPage(

server <- function(input, output, session) {
    output$mydf <- DT::renderDataTable(                       
                            iris,extensions = 'Buttons', rownames = FALSE,  
                            options = list(
                            info  = FALSE, paging = FALSE, dom='lfBrtip', 
                            buttons= list(
                                    extend = 'collection',
                                    text = 'My Action',
                                    action = DT::JS(
                                    "function() {
                                        var node = this[0].node;
                                        var value = $(node).attr('data-value') || 0;
                                        value   ;
                                        $(node).attr('data-value', value);
                                        Shiny.setInputValue('mydf_btn', value, {priority: 'event'});

shinyApp(ui, server)

enter image description here

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