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How to get surrounding tiles in Unity?


I am working on a peace of code, in which I need to find all surrounding tiles of a tile. I can get the target tile, but cannot find the way to get it's neighbors.

Here is the code I have:

public List<TileBase> FindAllTileNeighbors(Vector2 gameOjectPosition){
    List<TileBase> sTiles;
    GridLayout grid = map.GetComponentInParent<GridLayout>();
    Vector3Int gridPosition = grid.WorldToCell(gameOjectPosition);
    TileBase tile = map.GetTile(gridPosition);

    // TODO: find surrounding tiles

    return sTiles;

CodePudding user response:

"All neighbours" is a bit unspecific.

From you only passing in a 2D position I'd assume you only want to find neighbours within the XY plane.

You already have the gridPosition so you could simply do

// This allows you to use queries on IEnumerable types
// see example at the bottom
using System.Linq;


private readonly Vector3Int[] neighbourPositions = 
    // if you also wanted to get diagonal neighbours
    //Vector3Int.up   Vector3Int.right,
    //Vector3Int.up   Vector3Int.left,
    //Vector3Int.down   Vector3Int.right,
    //Vector3Int.down   Vector3Int.left

public List<TileBase> FindAllTileNeighbors(Vector2 gameOjectPosition)
    var grid = map.GetComponentInParent<GridLayout>();
    var gridPosition = grid.WorldToCell(gameOjectPosition);
        Debug.LogWarning($"The position {gridPosition} does not exist in the map!");
        return new List<TileBase>();

    var sTiles = new List<TileBase>();
    foreach(var neighbourPosition in neighbourPositions)
        var position = gridPosition   neighbourPosition;

            var neighbour = map.GetTile(position);
    return sTiles;

    // or using Linq you could also write it as
    //return (from neighbourPosition in neighbourPositions select gridPosition   neighbourPosition into position where map.HasTile(position) select map.GetTile(position)).ToList();
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