Hi I want to filter on an element and an attribute just like in the MS Example but instead of using a strict string I would like to use a variable (element from an Array or list, like state in the example below. Is this possible?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace LinqFilterTest
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
XElement root = XElement.Load(@"C:\Users\john\Desktop\PurchaseOrdersInNamespace.xml");
XNamespace aw = "http://www.adventure-works.com";
string[] items = new string[3]
"NY" , "CA", "FL"
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i )
var state = items[i];
IEnumerable<XElement> purchaseOrders =
from el in root.Elements(aw "PurchaseOrder")
(from add in el.Elements(aw "Address")
//(string)add.Attribute(aw "Type") == "Shipping" &&
(string)add.Element(aw "State") == state
select add)
select el;
foreach (XElement el in purchaseOrders)
Console.WriteLine((string)el.Attribute(aw "State"));
CodePudding user response:
Edited: works fine with variable.
static void Main(string[] args)
XElement root = default;
string[] items = new string[3] { "NY", "CA", "FL" };
// Without Namespace
Console.WriteLine("Without namespace LINQ:\n");
root = XElement.Load("H:\\PurchaseOrders.xml");
foreach (var el in from state in items
let purchaseOrders = from el in root.Elements("PurchaseOrder")
where (from add in el.Elements("Address")
where (string)add.Attribute("Type") == "Shipping"
&& (string)add.Element("State") == state
select add).Any()
select el
from XElement el in purchaseOrders
select el)
// With Namespace
Console.WriteLine("\nWith namespace LINQ:\n");
root = XElement.Load("H:\\PurchaseOrdersInNamespace.xml");
XNamespace aw = "http://www.adventure-works.com";
foreach (var el in from state in items
let purchaseOrders = from el in root.Elements(aw "PurchaseOrder")
where (from add in el.Elements(aw "Address")
where (string)add.Attribute(aw "Type") == "Shipping"
&& (string)add.Element(aw "State") == state
select add).Any()
select el
from XElement el in purchaseOrders
select el)
Console.WriteLine((string)el.Attribute(aw "PurchaseOrderNumber"));