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Convert array of tuples to array to array of strings python


I have an array of tuple, for example like this array([[(), (6,), (8,6), ()]]) with a shape of (1, 4) and I want to convert the tuples into strings array([['()', '(6,)', '(8,6)', '()']]). What's the best way to do that? Thanks

CodePudding user response:

Use map function:

In [1]: array = np.array([[(), (1,2), (8,6), ()]], dtype=object)

In [2]: np.array([list(map(str, array[0]))])
Out[2]: array([['()', '(1, 2)', '(8, 6)', '()']], dtype='<U6')

map function, iterates through an interable and runs the function on all items inside it and finally. It returns a generator; So if you want to get a list, you have to use a list comprehension or list function.

CodePudding user response:

You can make a vectorized version of the str constructor and then use it on the array:

import numpy as np

a = np.array([[(), (6,), (8,6), ()]])

asString = np.vectorize(str)

[['()' '(6,)' '(8, 6)' '()']]
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