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Plot a networkx graph in a bounding box


I would like to generate a NetworkX graph in a 2D grid with boundaries (100, 100) i.e x-axis ranges from (0,100) and y-axis ranges from (0,100).

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx

H = nx.gnm_random_graph(n=8, m=9, seed=5)  # generate a random graph
pos = nx.spring_layout(H, iterations=500)  # find good positions for nodes

I would like to know how to scale the coordinates of nodes stored in pos such that all nodes lie within boundary.

CodePudding user response:

One approach is to use the scale and center arguments of nx.spring_layout

pos = nx.spring_layout(H, iterations=500, scale=50, center=(50, 50))  # find good positions for nodes

# verify positions are withing boundaries 
positions_array = np.array(list(pos.values()))
print(((0 <= positions_array) & (positions_array <= 100)).all())



The corresponding pos result (for one run) was:

{0: array([69.42667319, 77.61143687]), 1: array([81.63688581, 10.64742778]), 2: array([56.9561371,  0.       ]), 3: array([71.3536673 , 41.34120577]), 4: array([16.61575096, 54.76920418]), 5: array([17.06331411, 87.49081365]), 6: array([41.68768891, 28.49815199]), 7: array([45.25988262, 99.64175977])}
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