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Displaying file name using special characters


I've one file ABC_123.csv in my app directory and I want to display its full name. I found two ways to do it (see below code snippet): one using ??? and the other using asterisk at the end of required text ABC_.

But, both ways are also displaying the path along with the name. Both below commands are producing results in this format: path name. I only need the name. Is there any special character (like ? or *) to display the name file only?

[input]$ ls /usr/opt/app/ABC_???.csv
[output] /usr/opt/app/ABC_123.csv

[input]$ ls /usr/opt/app/ABC_*.csv
[output] /usr/opt/app/ABC_123.csv

I cannot do this:

[input]$ cd /usr/opt/app
[input]$ ls ABC_???.csv
[output] ABC_123.csv

Required output:

[input]$ ls /usr/opt/app/ABC_(some-special-character).csv
[output] ABC_123.csv

[Edited] basename is working, but, I want to achieve this using ls and some special character (as highlighted above in Required output). Is there any way to this?

[input]$ basename /usr/opt/app/ABC_???.csv
[output] ABC_123.csv

CodePudding user response:

You can use

find /usr/opt/app/ -type f -name "ABC_*.csv" -exec basename '{}' \;

basename will isolate the file name. find will search the specified directory for files that match the provided pattern.

CodePudding user response:

If you were limited to ls, then this might help.

file="$(echo /usr/opt/app/ABC_???.csv)"; echo "${file##*/}"

CodePudding user response:

Pipe every csv file to basename:

ls /usr/opt/app/ABC_*.csv | xargs basename -a

CodePudding user response:

Without a need for basename:

(cd /usr/opt/app/ && ls ABC_*.csv)

"I cannot do this" was similar but didn't explain why, so maybe one-liner is doable. Doing in sub-shell prevents current dir from changing.

And no - there is no special character that could be used there. It's globbing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glob_(programming)

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