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Regex, matching backticks not nested within triple backticks


I'm trying to match strings that are surrounded by backtick's but they aren't surrounded by triple backtick's.

For example:

match: `I should be matched`

should not match: ``` `Hello world` ```

This is what I've tried so far: https://regex101.com/r/P4MhiM/1

CodePudding user response:

i get i pass this test case

first capture all match in single quote

\`(?:. )\`

second filter the matchs only char not backticks and white space

\`(?:[^\`||\s] )\`


CodePudding user response:

Match and capture a part of the match, then use custom logic in the replacement:

const text = "\n``` `Hello world` ```\n\n\n`Matched!`\n";
const rx = /```.*?```|`([^`\n] )`/g;
  text.replace(rx, (x, y) => y ? `<code>${y}</code>` : x)
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See the regex demo. Details:

  • ```.*?``` - strings between triple backticks (with no line breaks in between backticks)
  • | - or
  • `([^`\n] )` - strings between backticks without line break chars.
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