Home > front end >  For help using the FLECK closed problems write Websocket communication
For help using the FLECK closed problems write Websocket communication


Using c # FLECK wrote a websocket server and a web client, which can realize the connection, the client can receive data
But now encounter problems as follows,
When web client sends data to the server, using the send () method, which successfully sent, web side will disconnect the socket?
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Basically is to press
The following program this verse,
Now the case is called WebSocketSendMsg, after sending the socket connection is broken, and then automatically connected again, the pop-up interface alert (" already open connection!" );
Don't know how to modify, the great god give directions!!!!!!!!!! Thank you thank you

Var webSocket={};
//create websockt
The function CreateWebSocket () {
WebSocket=new webSocket (ws:// "8002");
WebSocket. Onopen=WebSokectOnOpen;
WebSocket. Onmessage=WebSocketOnMessage;
WebSocket. Onclose=WebSocketOnClose;

//connect events
The function WebSokectOnOpen () {
//alert (" already open connection!" );
WebSocket. Send (" Open ");

//to monitor events
The function WebSocketOnMessage (event) {
//to monitor data from the service
Alert (event. The data);

The function WebSocketOnClose () {
//to monitor data from the client's
Alert (" Close ");

//send events
The function WebSocketSendMsg () {
//get the values in the text
Var text=document. GetElementById (" Text1 "). The value;
//sent to the server
WebSocket. Send (text);

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