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Getting items from one table that don't have a corresponding foreign key in another table


Hi I am working on a react app that is on a ruby on rails server setup, that uses postgres.

I have two tables in the database, movies and genres. In the movie table, there is a field genre id. And in the genre table its ID is how it links to movie table's genre id. I am trying to find all genres that don't have a corresponding id listed in the movie table. I have tried two different ways, with SQL directly.

sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM genres
       LEFT JOIN movies
       ON genres.id = movies.genre_id
       WHERE genre.id = movies.genre"
genres_with_no_movie = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.exec_query(sql).rows[0][0]

The ruby on rails way.

genres_with_no_movie = Genre.joins(:movies).count()

Both of these give me the number of connections. It gives me places where a movie does have a corresponding genre. I am trying to find genres that don't have a movie that connects. I tried WHERE NOT EXISTS in place of where and that did not work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

CodePudding user response:

LEFT JOIN allows you to retrieve the rows from the table genres and which have no correspondance in movies, ie movies.genre IS NULL :

SELECT count(*) 
FROM genres
LEFT JOIN movies
ON movies.genre_id = genres.id
WHERE movies.genre IS NULL

CodePudding user response:

An alternative perhaps quicker, and (imho more direct) uses NOT EXISTS instead of join.

select count(*) 
  from genres g
 where not exists 
       (select null 
          from movies m 
         where m.genre_id = g.id
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