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Within the js in the if I determine to refresh the page after to be effective, but will use timer re


The function newwin ()
Var windowwidth=window. OuterWidth | | document. The documentElement. ClientWidth | | document. Body. ClientWidth;
If (windowwidth <679)
The function of $(id)
Return the document. The getElementById (id);
Var timer=setInterval (function () {repeat ()}, 1500);
Var n=1;
The function startChange ()
The timer=window. The setInterval (repeat, 1500);
The function repeat ()
Change (n++ % 7, false);
The function stopChange (x)
If (x <7)
N=x + 1;
Window. ClearInterval (timer);
The function change (x, isHandle)
If (isHandle) {
StopChange (x);
Var buttons=$(" buttons ".) getElementsByTagName (" div ");
Var divv=$(" divv "). The getElementsByTagName (" section ");
For (var I=0; I {
[I] buttons className="style1";
Divv [I] the className="closediv";
[x] buttons className="style2";
Divv [x]. The className="showdiv";

Var timer1=null;
Window. The onresize=function ()
Timer1 && clearTimeout (timer1);
SetTimeout (function ()
Newwin ();
}, 200);
Newwin ();
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