Basically what the title says. For my assignment I need to create a function that takes in a binary in string and I have to convert it to decimal in integer but I can't use the int()
function. However, I don't know any other way to convert string into integer.
CodePudding user response:
This is a long code that works:
def string_to_int(s):
for c in s:
rtr=rtr*10 ord(c) - ord('0')
return rtr
CodePudding user response:
I found this at
# User-defined function to
# convert a string into integer
def string_to_int(input_string):
output_int = 0
# Check if the number contains
# any minus sign or not,
# i.e. is it a negative number or not.
# If it contains in the first
# position in a minus sign,
# we start our conversion
# from the second position which
# contains numbers.
if input_string[0] == '-' :
starting_idx = 1
check_negative = True
starting_idx = 0
check_negative = False
for i in range(starting_idx, len(input_string)):
# calculate the place value for
# the respective digit
place_value = 10**(len(input_string) - (i 1))
# calculate digit value
# ord() function gives Ascii value
digit_value = ord(input_string[i]) - ord('0')
# calculating the final integer value
output_int = place_value * digit_value
# if check_negative is true
# then final integer value
# is multiplied by -1
if check_negative :
return -1 * output_int
return output_int
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__" :
string = "554"
# function call
x = string_to_int(string)
# Show the Data type
string = "123"
# Show the Data type
string = "-123"
# Show the Data type
CodePudding user response:
def binary_to_int(in_string):
result = 0
# the 'power' of the current binary digit
magnitude = 1
# look at each digit, starting from the right
for c in s[::-1]:
# only the 1 digits have value here
if c == "1":
result = factor
# after every digit, we go up a power
factor *= 2
return result
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