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How to edit a record in an access database - visual basic


I want to edit a specific record in an access database but I keep on getting errors

this is the database I want to edit: Access database

these are flashcards that the user has created and stored in an access database. What I want is that the user is able to edit the difficulty so it appears more/less often

This is the module:

Module Module1
Public Function runSQL(ByVal query As String) As DataTable
    Dim connection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("provider=microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=flashcard login.accdb") 'Establishes connection to database
    Dim dt As New DataTable 'Stores database in table called dt
    Dim dataadapter As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter

    connection.Open() 'Opens connection
    dataadapter = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(query, connection)
    dt.Clear() 'Clears datatable
    dataadapter.Fill(dt) 'Fills datatable
    Return dt
End Function
End Module

And here is the button that the user can press to edit the database:

Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
    Dim sql As String
    sql = "UPDATE flashcards set difficulty = '" & TxtDifficulty.Text
End Sub

The difficulty column in the database should be able to be edited by the user through the value they entered in txtDifficulty.text

CodePudding user response:

Good to hear I found the problem with the apostrophe.

I am going to need a where statement but the problem I have is that the user can create as much flashcards as they want so how would I write the where statement?

An INSERT statement does not have a WHERE clause but an UPDATE does and is usually by a primary key.

Look at how I add a new record ignoring mHasException and specifically using parameters. In this case a List is used but with little effort an array of DataRow can be passed instead.

Here is an example for updating a record with a DataRow.

To get other code samples for ms-access see the following repository.

In closing, in the above repository I don't get into all possibilities yet there should be enough there to get you going. And when reviewing code I flip between Add for adding a parameter and AddWithValue while Add is the recommend way but both are shown to see differences. see also Add vs AddWithValue.

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