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Vertical Drawable Line on Left Border of Drawable Rectangle?


I have been looking for similar questions and I cannot find anything that is exactly what I am looking for. I have also been messing around with this XML for quite some time, and I do not want to have to import any libraries or use Drawing code to make this square border.

I am trying to accomplish something like this

As you can see, there is an orange line that is behind the white border.

This is as close as I have gotten:

My weird shape that is not close to right

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
        <rotate android:fromDegrees="90">
            <shape android:shape="line" android:thickness="3dp">
                <padding android:left="120dp"/>
                <stroke android:width="3dp" android:color="#F4900A"/>
        <stroke android:width="1dp" android:color="@color/white"/>
        <solid android:color="#00FF0000"/>
        <corners android:radius="16dp"/>
<!-- Background is transparent -->
        <stroke android:width="1dp" android:color="#00000000" />
        <solid android:color="#00000000" />

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I feel like I am close but I am not sure how to move this line to the left without having it scale down in size? I have been messing around with the padding and it just seems jank.

Note: I have also tried setting the white border to have a orange gradient left side, and it didn't look right - so I don't think that gradient is an option.

CodePudding user response:

This can be achieved with:

  • A normal rectangle as the outer white border
  • An orange solid rectangle to represent the left line that has android:gravity="left" to position it to the left and the paddings adjusted to displace the left line to the right, top, and bottom as you need
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">

        <shape android:shape="rectangle">
                android:color="@color/white" />
            <corners android:radius="20dp" />


        <rotate android:fromDegrees="180">
            <shape android:shape="rectangle">
                <solid android:color="#FF9800" />
                <size android:width="3dp" />



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