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How to handle Docker-Secrets in application.properties files


How do you inject Docker secrets (files/data from /run/secrets) into the application.properties files? Is it safe to use environment variables?

CodePudding user response:

First of all, usage of environment variables for secret data for the application.properties isn't safe.

You have mainly two options when talking about Secrets.

  1. If you are using Docker Secrets without Docker Swarm then you can directly load the whole application.properties in a secret, mount it under /run/secrets and refer to it as configuration file with the Spring flags.

  2. If you are using Docker Secrets with Docker Swarm then you can just store as secret the concrete fields that you're interested in and relate to them using the Configuration Templates of Swarm.


echo -n "myUser" | docker secret create db_user -
echo -n "myPass" | docker secret create db_password -
echo -n "jdbc://..." | docker secret create db_url -


spring.datasource.url={{ secret "db_url" }}
spring.datasource.user={{ secret "db_user" }}
spring.datasource.password={{ secret "db_password" }}


version: '3.9'
    image: yourapp:1.0.0
    - source: application.properties
      target: /usr/app/config/application.properties
    - db_url
    - db_user
    - db_password

    template_driver: golang
    file: ./application.properties.tmpl
    name: myapp.application.properties

    external: true
    external: true
    external: true

When you deploy with docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml myapp, it will automatically populate the configuration with the contents of the secrets and it will mount it in the destination path.

CodePudding user response:

If you subscribe to the Twelve-Factor App philosophy on configuration, environment variables are the appropriate place to store secrets for your app.

With Spring Boot, specifically, it is possible to set them as env vars in your container following an UPPER_SNAKE_CASE naming convention which maps to the keys in your application.properties or application.yml file. For example, if you wanted to set a database password as if it were defined as database.password=i-am-the-password in your application.properties file but omit this from version control, you could do:

$ export DATABASE_PASSWORD=i-am-the-password

(Or another method of injecting the env var into your container runtime.)

The database password would then be accessible in Java code as:

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;

public class Example {

  private final String databasePassword;

  public Example(
      @Value("${database.password}") String databasePassword) {

    this.databasePassword = databasePassword;
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