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Merge two linked lists without duplicities


Given two sorted linked lists, where the result should be union without duplicates.

  • Creating of new nodes is not allowed.
  • The resulting list will be composed of the elements of the original lists.

Inputs are two lists separated by empty line:

L1 -> 2 3 3 4 4 4 5

L2 -> 3 4 5 5 6 7

Result -> 2 3 4 5 6 7

I have my solution below, but creating new node in Union function.

Is there any simple way how to change Union function with the logic of not creating any new node and remove duplicates?

class Node:
    def __init__(self, data, next = None):
        self.data = data
        self.next = next

def PrintLinkedList( p ):
    print( "Result:", end=" " )
    while p!=None:
        print( p.data, end=" " )
        p = p.next

def ReadLinkedList():
    first = None
    last = None
    r = input()
    while r!="":
        row = r.split()
        if len(row)==0:
        for s in row:
            p = Node(int(s),None)
            if first==None:
                first = p
                last.next = p
            last = p
        r = input()
    return first

def dedup(head):
    current = head
    while current:
        runner = current
        # Check, until runner.next is not None.
        while runner.next:
            if current.data == runner.next.data:
                runner.next = runner.next.next
                runner = runner.next
        current = current.next

def Union(a, b):

    # A dummy node to store the result
    dummyNode = Node(0)
    headA = a
    headB = b

    # Tail stores the last node
    tail = dummyNode
    while True:

        # If any of the list gets completely empty
        # directly join all the elements of the other list
        if headA is None:
            tail.next = headB
        if headB is None:
            tail.next = headA

        # Compare the x of the lists and whichever is smaller is
        # appended to the last of the merged list and the head is changed
        if headA.data <= headB.data:
            tail.next = headA
            headA = headA.next
            tail.next = headB
            headB = headB.next

        # Advance the tail
        tail = tail.next

    # Delete dups and returns the head of the merged list
    return dummyNode.next

CodePudding user response:

I would suggest dealing with the first node separately, so you know what the head will be of the merged list. The rest of your code can remain the same:

def Union(a, b):
    if a is None or b is None:  # Deal with this trivial case
         a = a or b
         return a

    headA = a
    headB = b

    # Tail stores the last node: process first node
    if headA.data <= headB.data:
        tail = headA
        headA = headA.next
        tail = headB
        headB = headB.next
    head = tail  # Remember what the head is of the merged list
    while True:
        if headA is None:
            tail.next = headB
        if headB is None:
            tail.next = headA
        if headA.data <= headB.data:
            tail.next = headA
            headA = headA.next
            tail.next = headB
            headB = headB.next

        # Advance the tail
        tail = tail.next

    # Delete dups and returns the head of the merged list
    return head

CodePudding user response:

Without modifying your solution I decided to implement my own, it doesn't create any new Node. It does a regular merge-sort algorithm.

Try it online!

class Node:
    def __init__(self, data, next = None):
        self.data = data
        self.next = next

def create_list(l):
    n = None
    for e in reversed(l):
        n = Node(e, n)
    return n

def print_list(l):
    if l is None:
        print(l.data, end = ' ')

def main():
    l1, l2 = [list(map(int, input().split())) for i in range(2)]
    l1, l2 = create_list(l1), create_list(l2)
    r = None
    head = None
    last = None
    while True:
        if l1 is None and l2 is None:
        if l2 is None or l1 is not None and l1.data <= l2.data:
            if last is None or last < l1.data:
                if r is None:
                    r = l1
                    head = r
                    r.next = l1
                    r = r.next
            last = l1.data
            l1 = l1.next
        elif l1 is None or l2.data < l1.data:
            if last is None or last < l2.data:
                if r is None:
                    r = l2
                    head = r
                    r.next = l2
                    r = r.next
            last = l2.data
            l2 = l2.next



2 3 3 4 4 4 5
3 4 5 5 6 7


2 3 4 5 6 7
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