Home > front end >  Using SQLITE SELECT ... IN statement with string arrays in C# gives empty results with more than one
Using SQLITE SELECT ... IN statement with string arrays in C# gives empty results with more than one


I have table with columns something like this:

table(INT id, serial, data)

And I want to create following SELECT command:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE serial IN (list-of-serial)

But problem is that when I add more than one value into list-of-serial, I get empty query.

For example:

id serial
1  1234
2  5678
3  1234
4  9012
5  1234
6  5678
7  9012

SELECT * FROM table WHERE serial IN ('1234','9012')

In this form, it works, but I need to convert it into C# query.

string file="my-sqlite-database";
SQLiteConnection database = new SQLiteConnection($@"URI=file:{file}");
SQLiteCommand C = new SQLiteCommand("SELECT * FROM table WHERE serial IN (@serials)", database);
SQLiteDataReader R = C.ExecuteReader();
While(R.Read()){} // 0 rows

What am I doing wrong? I have tried passing string arrays, string with and without quotes, no difference.

CodePudding user response:

Just a hunch, I might be wrong.
I have never used C# but I feel like what is happening might be that "('1234','9012')" is counted as a string.
Did you try making an array and passing the array instead?

CodePudding user response:

Unless you inject it directly into the SQL statement, a parameter will only ever be interpreted as a literal value. So it will be looking for a single string matching ('1234','9012'). And injection is a bad idea, which you should generally avoid.

Unfortunately, SQLite does not support Table-Valued parameters. So you need to use multiple parameters here:

string file = "my-sqlite-database";
var parms = new string[]{"1234", "9012"};
using (SQLiteConnection database = new SQLiteConnection($@"URI=file:{file}"))
using (SQLiteCommand C = new SQLiteCommand("", database))
    C.Parameters.AddRange(parms.Select((p, ind) => new SqliteParameter("@p"   ind, p)));
    C.CommandText = $@"
FROM table
WHERE serial IN ({string.Join(",", parms.Select((p, ind) => "@p"   ind))})
    using (SQLiteDataReader R = C.ExecuteReader())
        { //do something

Dapper can do the above natively, so you may want to look at that.

Note also correct use of using blocks to dispose.

CodePudding user response:

You need to remove brackets from "SELECT * FROM table WHERE serial IN (@serials)". It should be like this

string parameter = "('1234','9012')";
string query = $"SELECT * FROM table WHERE serial IN {parameter}";

Also, please don't use * in the query, instead, you can mention the columns with an alias.

You can remove C.Parameters.AddWithValue("@serials","('1234','9012')");

As commented by lasse-v-karlsen , you can either remove brackets from the defined parameter in your code.

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