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Sorting tabs in Excel, VBA syntax issue


I'm trying to use vba to sort tabs in Excel, but I'm not familiar enough with writing the code to alter existing answers that I've found online.

I have multiple Excel files, each with different numbering systems. Those include Item (#ofsheet), so like Item (1), Item (8), Item (28). Those organize themselves by Item 1, 28, and 8 when I try existing codes, when it should be 1, 8, 28.

Would someone help me with the code for this? Thank you.

Edit: my apologizes, I wrote this on my phone originally. This code is working for me to get the items into a Item (1), Item (11), Item (2), Item (34) order.

Sub sortAscendinfg()

    Dim i, N, k As Double

    'Count the number of worksheets and store the number in variable "n"
    N = Application.Sheets.Count
    'Do the following look for each worksheet again
    For i = 1 To N
        'Loop through all worksheets until the second last one (later you use the .move after function)
        For k = 1 To N - 1

            'If the name is larger than the following worksheet, change the sequence of these two worksheets.
            'In order to enable a proper comparison, change all characters to lower case (UCase = Upper case works
            'the same way.
            If LCase(Sheets(k).Name) > LCase(Sheets(k   1).Name) Then Sheets(k).Move After:=Sheets(k   1)

End Sub

CodePudding user response:

This may be able to be done better and without seeing your code, I have no idea where you're going wrong but I suggest as a string, if you're treating it that way, 8 is greater than 28.

You can test this by going into the immediate window in the VBA editor and entering and hitting enter ...

?str(8) > str(28)

... the result is true. Not what you want.

Try this, it worked for me.

There are a couple of caveats though, there can be no other opening or closing brackets in the name of the worksheet other than those you have at the end as you've specified, e.g. "Item (28)" ... this won't be ok, "Item (other brackets) (28)"

Public Sub SortSheets()
    Dim objSheet As Worksheet, objSubSheet as Worksheet
    Dim lngSortOrder As Long, lngSortSubOrder As Long
    For Each objSheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        lngSortOrder = Replace(Split(objSheet.Name, "(")(1), ")", "")
        For Each objSubSheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
            lngSortSubOrder = Replace(Split(objSubSheet.Name, "(")(1), ")", "")
            If lngSortOrder < lngSortSubOrder Then
                objSheet.Move Before:=Sheets(objSubSheet.Index)
                Exit For
            End If
End Sub

CodePudding user response:

Sort Incrementing Sheets

  • The SortIncrementingSheetsTEST procedure is an example of how to use (call) the main SortIncrementingSheets procedure.
  • The main SortIncrementingSheets procedure needs the GetLastInteger procedure to work.
  • The GetLastInteger procedure returns the last integer (the last consecutive digits as a number) found in a string.
  • The GetLastIntegerTEST procedure is an example of how to use (call) the GetLastInteger procedure. It prints 13 in the Immediate window since 13 is the last integer in the example string Sheet1(013).
  • Basically, all the sheet names and their corresponding last integers are written to the Keys and Items of a dictionary, which is then utilized when sorting the sheets. Uncomment the Debug.Print lines to better understand how the procedure works by reviewing the results in the Immediate window.
  • The sort in the procedure is based on the following Microsoft Docs article by MVP Tom Urtis:
    Sort Worksheets Alphanumerically by Name
Option Explicit

Sub SortIncrementingSheetsTEST()
    Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
    SortIncrementingSheets wb
End Sub

Sub SortIncrementingSheets( _
        ByVal wb As Workbook)
' Needs 'GetLastInteger'.
    If wb Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Dim dict As Object: Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    dict.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
    Dim sh As Object
    For Each sh In wb.Sheets
        dict.Add sh.Name, GetLastInteger(sh.Name)
    Next sh
    'Debug.Print Join(dict.Keys, ",")
    'Debug.Print Join(dict.Items, ",")
    Dim shCount As Long: shCount = wb.Sheets.Count

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Long
    For i = 1 To shCount - 1
        For j = i   1 To shCount
            If dict(wb.Sheets(j).Name) < dict(wb.Sheets(i).Name) Then
                wb.Sheets(j).Move Before:=wb.Sheets(i)
                'Debug.Print "Moved '" & wb.Sheets(i).Name & "' from '" _
                    & j & " to " & i & "'."
            End If
        Next j
    Next i

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    MsgBox "Sheets sorted.", vbInformation

End Sub

Function GetLastInteger( _
    ByVal SearchString As String) _
As Long
    Dim nLen As Long: nLen = Len(SearchString)
    Dim DigitString As String
    Dim CurrentChar As String
    Dim n As Long
    Dim FoundDigit As Boolean
    For n = nLen To 1 Step -1
        CurrentChar = Mid(SearchString, n, 1)
        If CurrentChar Like "#" Then ' it's a digit
            DigitString = CurrentChar & DigitString
            If Not FoundDigit Then
                FoundDigit = True
            End If
        Else ' it's not a digit
            If FoundDigit Then
                Exit For
            End If
        End If
    Next n
    If FoundDigit Then
        GetLastInteger = CLng(DigitString)
        GetLastInteger = -1
    End If

End Function

Sub GetLastIntegerTEST()
    Debug.Print GetLastInteger("Sheet1(013)")
End Sub
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