Home > front end >  The use of el expression in the servlet output database, but does not display the database informati
The use of el expression in the servlet output database, but does not display the database informati


This is the output page, not to the database inside information, but he can check out

The database

Path_list. JSP code below
<% @ page language="Java" contentType="text/HTML. Charset=utf-8 "pageEncoding=" utf-8 "% & gt;
<% @ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" % & gt;

Name: & lt; Input type="text" name="name"/& gt;

Address: & lt; Input type="text" name="adress"/& gt;

<"Width=" 80 "& gt; Price & lt;/th>
<"Width=" 80 "align=" center "& gt; Date & lt;/th>
<"Width=" 80 "& gt; Season & lt;/th>
<"Width=" 80 "& gt; Address & lt;/th>
<"Width=" 80 "& gt; Place names & lt;/th>
<"Width=" 80 "& gt; Passenger name & lt;/th>

The ${path. Price} & lt;/td>
The ${path. Date} & lt;/td>
The ${path. Photo} & lt;/td>
The ${path. The adress} & lt;/td>
The ${path. The name} & lt;/td>
The ${path. Urersname} & lt;/td>

Display & lt;/span>

Article, a total of ${totalCount} article & lt;/span>


The servlet code

There is dao layer, and the service
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