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Why Python login interface automation pass to attend belt ()


Code is as follows, the meeting after running parameter error, and the data transfer is not found by print according to imagine himself a dictionary in the form of a show,
Actual: data1 {' user_name ': (' 12345678'), 'password' : (' 123456 ')}
Expectation: data1 {' user_name: 12345678 'and' password ', 123456 '}
Why tell a great god, genuflect is begged, how to correct the

# - * - coding: utf-8 - *
The import requests
The import unittest
The import json

Class Denglu (unittest. TestCase) : # define a class, class capitalize the first letter of oh

Def setUp (self) : # initialization
The self. The base_url='https://'
Print (" start ")

Def login (self, username, PSW) :
"' two parameters: the account: username, password: PSW '"'

Url="https://test-api.XXXXX.cn/api/v1/login/password" # request url
The content-type headers={" ", "application/Json"}
https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/"User_name" : the username,
"Password" : the PSW,
Print (data)
R=requests. Post (url=url, headers=headers, json=data)
Result1=r.s tatus_code
Result2=r.t ext
Print (" information ", result2)
# return r.j son ()
Return result1

Def test_get_success (self) :

The username='12345678',
"User_name" : the username,
"Password" : the PSW,
Print (" data1 ", data1)
Result=self. Login (username, PSW)
# result=self. Login (" 12345678 ", "123456")
Print (result)
Self. AssertEqual (result, 200)
# print (result [' message '])

If __name__=="__main__" :
Unittest. The main ()

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