Code is as follows, the meeting after running parameter error, and the data transfer is not found by print according to imagine himself a dictionary in the form of a show,
Actual: data1 {' user_name ': (' 12345678'), 'password' : (' 123456 ')}
Expectation: data1 {' user_name: 12345678 'and' password ', 123456 '}
Why tell a great god, genuflect is begged, how to correct the
# - * - coding: utf-8 - *
The import requests
The import unittest
The import json
Class Denglu (unittest. TestCase) : # define a class, class capitalize the first letter of oh
Def setUp (self) : # initialization
The self. The base_url='https://'
Print (" start ")
Def login (self, username, PSW) :
"' two parameters: the account: username, password: PSW '"'
Url="" # request url
The content-type headers={" ", "application/Json"}
Data={"User_name" : the username,
"Password" : the PSW,
Print (data)
R=requests. Post (url=url, headers=headers, json=data)
Result1=r.s tatus_code
Result2=r.t ext
Print (" information ", result2)
# return r.j son ()
Return result1
Def test_get_success (self) :
The username='12345678',
"User_name" : the username,
"Password" : the PSW,
Print (" data1 ", data1)
Result=self. Login (username, PSW)
# result=self. Login (" 12345678 ", "123456")
Print (result)
Self. AssertEqual (result, 200)
# print (result [' message '])
If __name__=="__main__" :
Unittest. The main ()