I am trying to convert my CListCtrl into a virtual list, but i dont know which parameter i have to use
// --- Virtual List ---
void CSpielebibliothekGUIDlg::OnGetdispinfoList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) // --- nullptr muss weg ---
LV_ITEM* pItem = &(pDispInfo)->item;
int itemid = pItem->iItem;
if (pItem->mask & LVIF_TEXT)
CString text;
// --- Welche Spalte ---
if (pItem->iSubItem == 0)
// --- Name ---
text = Spiele[itemid].m_Name;
if (pItem->iSubItem == 1)
//Text is slogan
text = Spiele[itemid].m_Plattform;
if (pItem->iSubItem == 2)
text = Spiele[itemid].m_Genre;
if (pItem->iSubItem == 3)
CString Release;
Release.Format(_T("%d"), Spiele[itemid].m_Erscheinungsjahr);
text = Release;
if (pItem->iSubItem == 4)
CString Preis;
Preis.Format(_T("%g"), Spiele[itemid].m_Preis);
text = Preis;
if (pItem->iSubItem == 5)
CString EAN;
EAN.Format(_T("%d"), Spiele[itemid].m_EAN);
text = EAN;
if (pItem->iSubItem == 6)
text = Spiele[itemid].Verwandschaft;
lstrcpyn(pItem->pszText, text, pItem->cchTextMax);
*pResult = 0;
this is my function call
OnGetdispinfoList(nullptr, nullptr);
of course the nullptr are not right, iam glad for any help.
CodePudding user response:
You don't need to call message handlers, they will be called by system after you:
- Set proper window styles (LVS_OWNERDATA)
- Set item count
- Add your
to the message map