Home > front end >  can you help me with the copy c'tor for derived class?
can you help me with the copy c'tor for derived class?


I have this base class:

class LevelPlayer
   int level;
   int id;
    LevelPlayer(int level,int id):level(level),id(id){}
    virtual ~LevelPlayer()=default;
    LevelPlayer(const LevelPlayer&)=default;
    LevelPlayer&  operator=(const LevelPlayer&)=default;

and this derived class:

class GroupPlayer: public LevelPlayer
    IdPlayer* ptr;
    GroupPlayer(int level,int id,IdPlayer* ptr):LevelPlayer(level,id),ptr(new IdPlayer(*ptr)){}
    GroupPlayer(const GroupPlayer&);
    GroupPlayer&  operator=(const GroupPlayer&);

and for the copy ctor of the derived one I wrote this:

GroupPlayer::GroupPlayer(const GroupPlayer& player):ptr(new IdPlayer(*(player.ptr))){}

but I am not sure if it's correct ... should I also add LevelPlayer(player) ?

CodePudding user response:

Looking at the constructors and seeing

ptr(new IdPlayer(*ptr))
ptr(new IdPlayer(*(player.ptr)))

I come to the conclusion, you don't need the pointer the default and the copy constructor. Make the member and the second constructor

IdPlayer player;
GroupPlayer(int level, int id, const IdPlayer& player): LevelPlayer(level, id), player{player} {}

instead of IdPlayer* ptr; and remove other constructors. Finally, use spaces after punctuation marks in the code, this makes reading and code selection much easier.

CodePudding user response:

I am not sure if it's correct ... should I also add LevelPlayer(player) ?

Yes, the derived class copy constructor needs to call the base class copy constructor explicitly:

GroupPlayer::GroupPlayer(const GroupPlayer& player)
    : LevelPlayer(player), ptr(new IdPlayer(*(player.ptr)))

Since you have implemented the derived class copy constructor, and the base class constructor takes an input parameter, you need to pass in a value for that parameter. If you don't, the base class default constructor will be called instead, and thus level and id won't be copied from player.

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