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Select specific values from sql tables


need some help with sql stuff. Look down below for my sql code snippet.

create table product
    id int auto_increment primary key,
    title text null,
    stock int default 0 not null,
    price float(9,2) default 0.00 not null

create table product_property_value
    id int auto_increment primary key,
    product_id int not null,
    property_id int not null,
    value varchar(255) null

create table property
    id int auto_increment primary key,
    code varchar(20) null,
    title varchar(50) null

I have a statement for select all rows from these three tables with pretty output.

        SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(p.title, ': ', pv.value SEPARATOR ', ')
        FROM product_property_value pv
        INNER JOIN property p on pv.property_id = p.id WHERE pv.product_id = product.id
    ) property_values
FROM product;

My property table is filled with this data:

insert into property (id, code, title) values (1, 'color', 'Color');
insert into property (id, code, title) values (2, 'width', 'Width');
insert into property (id, code, title) values (3, 'height', 'Height');

My product_property_value table is filled with this data (there is one example for one product, table have many of it):

insert into product_property_value (id, product_id, property_id, value) values (4, 2, 1, 'Green');
insert into product_property_value (id, product_id, property_id, value) values (5, 2, 2, 4);
insert into product_property_value (id, product_id, property_id, value) values (6, 2, 3, 4);

So the main question is how to select products only with specified values: Select products with color = "Red", width=4 or width=5 and height = 5. I need to modify statement or change it but anyway i need to save prettified output. Feel free to answer, thanks.

CodePudding user response:

If your version of MySql supports Lateral Derived Tables, then you can try using that.

SELECT title, stock, price, property_values
FROM product prod
   SELECT ppv.product_id
   , MAX(CASE WHEN prop.code = 'color' THEN ppv.value END) AS color
   , MAX(CASE WHEN prop.code = 'width' THEN ppv.value END) AS width
   , MAX(CASE WHEN prop.code = 'height' THEN ppv.value END) AS height
   , GROUP_CONCAT(prop.title, ': ', ppv.value SEPARATOR ', ') AS property_values
   FROM product_property_value ppv
   LEFT JOIN property prop ON prop.id = ppv.property_id
   WHERE ppv.product_id = prod.id
   GROUP BY ppv.product_id
   HAVING color = 'Red'
      AND width IN (4, 5) 
      AND height = 5
) propies
ORDER BY title;

Or just join them all.

SELECT prod.title, stock, price
, GROUP_CONCAT(prop.title, ': ', ppv.value SEPARATOR ', ') AS property_values
FROM product prod
JOIN product_property_value ppv
  ON ppv.product_id = prod.id
JOIN property prop 
  ON prop.id = ppv.property_id
 AND prop.code IN ('color', 'width', 'height') 
GROUP BY prod.id, prod.title, stock, price
             WHEN prop.code = 'color' AND ppv.value = 'Red'
             THEN ppv.id END) > 0
             WHEN prop.code = 'width' AND ppv.value IN (4, 5) 
             THEN ppv.id END) > 0
             WHEN prop.code = 'height' AND ppv.value = 5
             THEN ppv.id END) > 0
ORDER BY prod.title;
title | stock | price | property_values                
:---- | ----: | ----: | :------------------------------
beans |    42 | 10.00 | Color: Red, Width: 4, Height: 5

Demo on db<>fiddle here

CodePudding user response:

I think there needs to be a where clause to your sql statement. One way to do this is:

        SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(p.title, ': ', pv.value SEPARATOR ', ')
        FROM product_property_value pv
        INNER JOIN property p on pv.property_id = p.id WHERE pv.product_id = product.id
    ) property_values
FROM product WHERE property_values='Color: Red, Width: 4, Height: 5' OR property_values='Color: Red, Width: 5, Height: 5';
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