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How to manage dependencies in docker file


I am trying to build a docker images with Ubuntu 16.04 and some other libraries. Below is a snippet of the docker file:

RUN set -ex \
    && echo 'Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order:: "gz";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99use-gzip-compression \
    && apt-get update \
    && apt install -y ca-certificates \
    && apt-get update \
    && apt install -y apt-transport-https \
    && apt-get update \
    && apt-get install -y gnupg \
    && echo "deb https://download.mono-project.com/repo/ubuntu stable-trusty main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mono-official-stable.list \
    && apt-get update \
    && apt-get install software-properties-common -y --no-install-recommends \
    && apt-add-repository ppa:git-core/ppa \
    && apt-get update \
    && apt-get install git=1:2.* -y --no-install-recommends \
    && git version \
    && apt-get update \
    && apt install -y openssh-server \
    && mkdir ~/.ssh \
    && touch ~/.ssh/known_hosts \
    && ssh-keyscan -t rsa,dsa -H github.com >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts \
    && ssh-keyscan -t rsa,dsa -H bitbucket.org >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts \
    && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/known_hosts \
    && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
       wget=1.15-* python=3.7.* python3.7-dev=3.7.* fakeroot=1.20-* ca-certificates \
       tar=1.27.* gzip=1.6-* zip=3.0-* autoconf=2.69-* automake=1:1.14.* \
       bzip2=1.0.* file=1:5.14-* g  =4:4.8.* gcc=4:4.8.* imagemagick=8:6.7.* \
       libbz2-dev=1.0.* libc6-dev=2.19-* libcurl4-openssl-dev=7.35.* libdb-dev=1:5.3.* \
       libevent-dev=2.0.* libffi-dev=3.1~* libgeoip-dev=1.6.* libglib2.0-dev=2.40.* \
       libjpeg-dev=8c-* libkrb5-dev=1.12 * liblzma-dev=5.1.* \
       libmagickcore-dev=8:6.7.* libmagickwand-dev=8:6.7.* libmysqlclient-dev=5.5.* \
       libncurses5-dev=5.9 * libpng12-dev=1.2.* libpq-dev=9.3.* libreadline-dev=6.3-* \
       libsqlite3-dev=3.8.* libssl-dev=1.0.* libtool=2.4.* libwebp-dev=0.4.* \
       libxml2-dev=2.9.* libxslt1-dev=1.1.* libyaml-dev=0.1.* make=3.81-* \
       patch=2.7.* xz-utils=5.1.* zlib1g-dev=1:1.2.* unzip=6.0-* curl=7.35.* \
       e2fsprogs=1.42.* iptables=1.4.* xfsprogs=3.1.* xz-utils=5.1.* \
       mono-devel less=458-* groff=1.22.* liberror-perl=0.17-* \
       asciidoc=8.6.* build-essential=11.* bzr=2.6.* cvs=2:1.12.* cvsps=2.1-* docbook-xml=4.5-* docbook-xsl=1.78.* dpkg-dev=1.17.* \
       libdbd-sqlite3-perl=1.40-* libdbi-perl=1.630-* libdpkg-perl=1.17.* libhttp-date-perl=6.02-* \
       libio-pty-perl=1:1.08-* libserf-1-1=1.3.* libsvn-perl=1.8.* libsvn1=1.8.* libtcl8.6=8.6.* libtimedate-perl=2.3000-* \
       libunistring0=0.9.* libxml2-utils=2.9.* libyaml-perl=0.84-* python-bzrlib=3.7.* python-configobj=4.7.* \
       sgml-base=1.26 * sgml-data=2.0.* subversion=1.8.* tcl=8.6.* tcl8.6=8.6.* xml-core=0.13 * xmlto=0.0.* xsltproc=1.1.* \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
    && apt-get clean

I am getting error installing the other libraries: t

&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
           wget=1.15-* python=3.7.* python3.7-dev=3.7.* fakeroot=1.20-* ca-certificates \
           tar=1.27.* gzip=1.6-* zip=3.0-* autoconf=2.69-* automake=1:1.14.* \
           bzip2=1.0.* file=1:5.14-* g  =4:4.8.* gcc=4:4.8.* imagemagick=8:6.7.* \
           libbz2-dev=1.0.* libc6-dev=2.19-* libcurl4-openssl-dev=7.35.* libdb-dev=1:5.3.* \
           libevent-dev=2.0.* libffi-dev=3.1~* libgeoip-dev=1.6.* libglib2.0-dev=2.40.* \
           libjpeg-dev=8c-* libkrb5-dev=1.12 * liblzma-dev=5.1.* \
           libmagickcore-dev=8:6.7.* libmagickwand-dev=8:6.7.* libmysqlclient-dev=5.5.* \
           libncurses5-dev=5.9 * libpng12-dev=1.2.* libpq-dev=9.3.* libreadline-dev=6.3-* \
           libsqlite3-dev=3.8.* libssl-dev=1.0.* libtool=2.4.* libwebp-dev=0.4.* \
           libxml2-dev=2.9.* libxslt1-dev=1.1.* libyaml-dev=0.1.* make=3.81-* \
           patch=2.7.* xz-utils=5.1.* zlib1g-dev=1:1.2.* unzip=6.0-* curl=7.35.* \
           e2fsprogs=1.42.* iptables=1.4.* xfsprogs=3.1.* xz-utils=5.1.* \
           mono-devel less=458-* groff=1.22.* liberror-perl=0.17-* \
           asciidoc=8.6.* build-essential=11.* bzr=2.6.* cvs=2:1.12.* cvsps=2.1-* docbook-xml=4.5-* docbook-xsl=1.78.* dpkg-dev=1.17.* \
           libdbd-sqlite3-perl=1.40-* libdbi-perl=1.630-* libdpkg-perl=1.17.* libhttp-date-perl=6.02-* \
           libio-pty-perl=1:1.08-* libserf-1-1=1.3.* libsvn-perl=1.8.* libsvn1=1.8.* libtcl8.6=8.6.* libtimedate-perl=2.3000-* \
           libunistring0=0.9.* libxml2-utils=2.9.* libyaml-perl=0.84-* python-bzrlib=3.7.* python-configobj=4.7.* \
           sgml-base=1.26 * sgml-data=2.0.* subversion=1.8.* tcl=8.6.* tcl8.6=8.6.* xml-core=0.13 * xmlto=0.0.* xsltproc=1.1.*

I am getting version was not found type of errors.

#5 153.1 E: Version '1.15-*' for 'wget' was not found docker file

Is there an easy way to find out the correct version?

CodePudding user response:

You could create the image locally, breaking on the next line and empirically see what apt installs without the version

    && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
           wget python=3.7.* python3.7-dev=3.7.* ...
# remove the rest of the Dockerfile

Then just review the build log

CodePudding user response:

You can use apt list -a <package name> to find out available versions.

You can also run docker run -it <base img> bash and perform those steps manually to find out if it's going to work that way.

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