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How to apply a workflow from import to processing on 100 data files all at once?


How would I apply a workflow from start to finish sort of like a for loop in R except with all the data files in my working directory?

My workflow has the following components

# Load libraries 

# Import data 
File_1 <- as.data.frame(read.table("file_1.bed", header = FALSE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quote = ""))

# Separate one of the columns into 2 new columns 
filtered_File_1 <- separate(data = File_1, col = V3, into = c("end position", "Methylation"), sep = "\\|")

# Change NAN values to zero 
new_File_1 <- filtered_File_1[- grep("NAN", filtered_File_1$Methylation), ]
filtered_File_1$Methylation[filtered_File_1$Methylation == "NAN"] <- '0'

# Change values into numeric
filtered_File_1$Methylation <- as.numeric(as.character(filtered_File_1$Methylation))

# Add New column
filtered_File_1$ID <- c("1")

# Take the average of numerical values
Average <- filtered_File_1% >% 
  group_by(V1) %>% 
  summarise(across(everything(), list(mean)))

Essentially how would I iterate the above process over and over again for all 100 datafiles? The reason is that individually its a bit tedious to copy and paste the lines of code and it'll make the R script very long as well. I know how to use lapply for lists but what would allow for something much more complicated involving file imports and processing? There must be an easier way.


CodePudding user response:

If the files fit in working memory, we can use a lapply to achieve the same as a for-loop, or since the post uses tidyverse, purrr::map. This results in a list of data frames with summary statistics returned by function get_means.


files <- as.list(list.files(pattern = ".bed")) %>%
  set_names(nm = sub(pattern = ".bed$", "", .))

get_means <- function(x){
  as.data.frame(read.table(x)) %>%
    separate(col = V3, into = c("end position", "Methylation"), sep = "\\|") %>%
    mutate(Methylation = ifelse(Methylation == "NAN", "0", Methylation),
           Methylation = as.numeric(Methylation)) %>%
    group_by(V1) %>%
    summarise(across(everything(), list(mean)))

lapply(files, get_means) # map(files, get_means)

or in a for-loop:

files <- list.files(pattern = ".bed") %>%
  set_names(sub(pattern = ".bed$", "", .))

result <- vector(mode = "list", length(files)) %>% #initialize list

for (i in seq_along(files)) {
  result[[i]] <- get_means(files[i])

To write new files of summary statistics to disk directly, say with name filename_stats.csv:

files <- list.files(pattern = ".bed") %>%
  set_names(sub(pattern = ".bed$", "", .))

new_file_names <- paste0(names(files), "_stats.csv")

for (i in seq_along(files)) {
  write_csv(get_means(files[i]), file = new_file_names[i])

Example: Consider the following reproducible example - using mtcars and iris where we can create a named list with summary statistics:

write.csv(mtcars, file = "mtcars.csv")
write.csv(iris, file = "iris.csv")

files <- as.list(list.files(pattern = ".csv")) %>%
  set_names(nm = sub(pattern = ".csv$", "", .))

lapply(files, \(x){
  read.csv(x) %>%
    summarise(across(where(is.numeric), mean))

     X Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
1 75.5     5.843333    3.057333        3.758    1.199333

       mpg    cyl     disp       hp     drat      wt     qsec     vs      am   gear   carb
1 20.09062 6.1875 230.7219 146.6875 3.596563 3.21725 17.84875 0.4375 0.40625 3.6875 2.8125

I'm not sure what the new_File_1 in the original code is supposed to do as it is not used.

CodePudding user response:

A snippet of code I've used before in a similar situation:


infolder  <- "C:\\Users\\name\\in"

csvfiles <- dir(path = infolder, pattern = "\\.bed$")

for (i in csvfiles) {
  print(file.path(outfolder, i))
  #your code...#
  File_i <- as.data.frame(read.table(i, header = FALSE, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, quote=""))
  filtered_File_i <- separate(data = File_i, col = V3, into = c("end position", "Methylation"), sep = "\\|")
  new_File_i <- filtered_File_i[- grep("NAN", filtered_File_i$Methylation),]
  filtered_File_i$Methylation[filtered_File_i$Methylation == "NAN"] <- '0'
  filtered_File_i$Methylation <- as.numeric(as.character(filtered_File_i$Methylation))
  filtered_File_i$ID <- i
  Average <- filtered_File_i %>% 
  group_by(V1) %>% 
  summarise(across(everything(), list(mean)))

  ### Assign the final value to a new variable named "X_i"
  ### see ?assign for more information
  assign(x=paste0("X_", i), value=Average)
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