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postgresql combine 2 select from 2 different tables


Hello i need to run a query with 2 select statements, one with an avg calculation and grouped by name and the other select, looking for that name in other table, and get some columns and do a JOIN to merge both and only left one column "name" on it.

The first table its this:

 ------ ------------- ----------- ----------- 
| Name |    Time     | LowPrice  | HighPrice |
 ------ ------------- ----------- ----------- 
| #AAA | 12/13/2021  |    383.12 |     393.9 |
| #BBB | 12/13/2021  |   1110.34 |    1114.1 |
 ------ ------------- ----------- ----------- 

The second table its like this:

 ------ ------- ---------- 
| Name | digit | currency |
 ------ ------- ---------- 
| #AAA |    2  | USD      |
| #BBB |     1 |  EUR     |
 ------ ------- ---------- 

The final query should return something like this:

 ------ ------------- ----------- ----------- ------- ---------- 
| Name |    Time     | LowPrice  | HighPrice | digit | currency |
 ------ ------------- ----------- ----------- ------- ---------- 
| #AAA | 12/13/2021  |    383.12 |     393.9 |     2 | USD      |
| #BBB | 12/13/2021  |   1110.34 |    1114.1 |     1 | EUR      |
 ------ ------------- ----------- ----------- ------- ---------- 

I know this query should be something like this:

    SELECT name, date_trunc('day', "Time"), avg("LowPrice"), avg("HighPrice")
    FROM   sometable
    GROUP BY "name", date_trunc('day', "Time"
    ) t
    SELECT name, digit, currrency
    FROM   othertable
    GROUP BY "name"
    ) m

but doesnt work, thanks for your heads up and help me to debug this

CodePudding user response:

The second subquery is invalid as digit and currrency need to be part of the group by list (except if "Name" is a primary key). Anyway distinct on ("Name") will extract one record per name which I suppose is what you need; You can control which record to be picked for each name by adding an order by clause with a list of expressions that starts with "Name".
cross join will yield 4 records' result not 2. I suppose that you need an inner join.

SELECT "Name", "Time"::date, "LowPrice", "HighPrice", digit, currency
  SELECT "Name", 
         date_trunc('day', "Time") "Time", 
         avg("LowPrice") "LowPrice", 
         avg("HighPrice") "HighPrice"
  FROM   first_t
  GROUP BY "Name", "Time"
) t
INNER JOIN (SELECT distinct on ("Name") "Name", digit, currency FROM second_t) m 
USING ("Name");

However this would be the same as

select "Name", "Time"::date "Time", 
       avg("LowPrice") "LowPrice", avg("HighPrice") "HighPrice", 
       digit, currency
from first_t inner join second_t using ("Name")
group by "Name", "Time", digit, currency;
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