So i have a code that paints path at container.
void paintWithPattern(
Canvas canvas, double x, double y, double width, double height) {
final maxDimension = max(width, height);
final stripeW = maxDimension / featuresCount / 6;
var step = stripeW * 9;
final paint = Paint() = PaintingStyle.fill
..color = bgColor;
canvas.drawRect(Rect.fromLTWH(x, y, width, height), paint);
final rectStripesCount =
featuresCount * 2.5; // to make sure we cover the whole rectangle
final allStripesPath = Path();
for (var i = 1; i < rectStripesCount; i = 2) {
final stripePath = Path();
stripePath.moveTo(x - stripeW step, y);
stripePath.lineTo(x step, y);
stripePath.lineTo(x, y step);
stripePath.lineTo(x - stripeW, y step);
step = stripeW * 9;
paint = PaintingStyle.fill
..color = fgColor;
canvas.drawPath(allStripesPath, paint);
The result of the code painting on container is below
How can I made it, so it's mirrored by Y axis?
like on picture below
CodePudding user response:
You can do that with negative scaling and translation (to correct position), like this for Y axis:
canvas.scale(1, -1);
canvas.translate(0, -height);
canvas.drawPath(allStripesPath, paint);
For X axis:
canvas.scale(-1, 1);
canvas.translate(-width, 0);
canvas.drawPath(allStripesPath, paint);