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How to use the iframe block specific div elements


Example web site: http://51quke.com/57/1, need shielding c_main element, give a great god directly to code, small white, I don't understand write code, theory can't read
 & lt; html> 
& lt; head>
& lt; Meta HTTP - equiv="Content - Language" Content="useful - CN" & gt;
& lt; Meta HTTP - EQUIV="content-type" Content="text/HTML. Charset=utf-8 "& gt;
& lt; Meta content="width=device - width, user - scalable=no" name="viewport" & gt;
& lt; title> The trotters business registration system & lt;/title>
& lt;/head>
& lt; Frameset framespacing="0" border="0" rows="0" frameborder="0" & gt;
& lt; Frame name="main" SRC="http://cn.mikecrm.com/cClNjvU" scrolling="auto" noresize>
& lt;/frameset>
& lt;/html>
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