Identify the purchase details of books, where the book is purchased on the same date, exactly on the date Anne has purchased the book. Write a SQL query to display customer’s name and title of the book for the identified purchase details. Do NOT display details of Anne in the query result.
There are these 3 tables for these requirements:
('B101', 'Science Revolution', 'Journal')
('B102', 'Brain Teasers', 'Aptitude')
('B103', 'India Today', 'Magazine')
('B104', 'Tech World', 'Journal')
('B105', 'Bizz world', 'Magazine')
('C101', 'Jack')
('C102', 'Anne')
('C103', 'Jane')
('C104', 'Maria')
('P201', 'C101', 'B102', '12-Dec-19')
('P202', 'C102', 'B103', '25-Nov-19')
('P203', 'C103', 'B104', '12-Dec-19')
('P204', 'C104', 'B105', '25-Nov-19')
('P205', 'C101', 'B101', '11-Dec-19')
('P206', 'C101', 'B106', '12-Dec-19')
I used the following logic for the above requirement
b.bookname, c.custname
customer c
purchase p on c.custid > p.custid
purchase p1 on p.custid > p1.custid
and p.purchasedate = p1.purchasedate
book b on b.bookid = p1.bookid
group by
b.bookname, c.custname;
Can anyone provide correct solution? Only 'Maria' 'Bizz world' has to appear in the result.
CodePudding user response:
Step 1
-- -- what did Anne purchase? -- select c.custname, p.* from purchase as p JOIN customer AS c ON c.custid = p.custid WHERE c.custname = 'Anne';
custname | purchaseid | custid | bookid | purchasedate :------- | :--------- | :----- | :----- | :----------- Anne | P202 | C102 | B103 | 25-Nov-19
Step 2
-- -- Any purchases on the same dates as Anna by other people? -- select p2.* from purchase as p1 join customer as c1 on c1.custid = p1.custid JOIN purchase AS p2 ON p2.purchasedate = p1.purchasedate -- same date AND p2.custid != p1.custid -- different customer where c1.custname = 'Anne';
purchaseid | custid | bookid | purchasedate :--------- | :----- | :----- | :----------- P204 | C104 | B105 | 25-Nov-19
Step 3
-- -- Now get the names from those id's -- select c2.custname, b2.bookname from purchase as p1 join customer as c1 on c1.custid = p1.custid join purchase as p2 on p2.purchasedate = p1.purchasedate and p2.custid != p1.custid JOIN customer AS c2 ON c2.custid = p2.custid JOIN book AS b2 ON b2.bookid = p2.bookid where c1.custname = 'Anne'
custname | bookname :------- | :--------- Maria | Bizz world
Demo on db<>fiddle here
CodePudding user response:
In similar construct as LukStorms provided, first, lets start with how to get the date that Anne purchased the book. That is the first and foremost requirement for your query. I like to show indentation of the queries how table A gets to B gets to C, etc.
You already had many joins, I am just showing the first part. Get the who, and the date of their purchase. In this case, I am also getting the customer's ID so I know which ID to EXCLUDE from the final answer. Dont rely on knowing their customer ID and knowing you want purchases with the ID greater than the person. What if you have 5000 people, and Anne happened to be person 2789. Doing greater than would fail on any that also purchsed same date but fail on customer ID.
customer c
join purchase p
on c.custid = p.custid
c.custname = 'Anne'
So from here, this can be the FIRST alias of the final select because the basis was to have the DATE of the purchase, but also now we KNOW the WHO we DONT want in the result.
customer c
join purchase p
on c.custid = p.custid
c.custname = 'Anne' ) AnnePurchase
JOIN purchase p2
-- first part, join to purchase on same date as Ann purchased her book
on AnnePurchase.purchaseDate = p2.purchaseDate
-- but now, get anyone who's customer ID is NOT the same as Anne.
AND NOT AnnePurchase.custID = p2.custID
-- now from the 2nd purchase table we can join to the customer and book
-- table to get whatever other parts you want
JOIN customer c2
on p2.custid = c2.custid
JOIN book b
on p2.bookid = b.bookid
Notice the in-line comments via -- that show WHY I am doing the join. The AnnePurchase is the primary basis. The join to Purchase (alias p2) is to get based on the same date and NOT the same customer ID as Anne.
From that, its a simple join from the P2 alias back to the customer and book tables. I personally have the indentation of the joins for customer c2
and book b
indented under the purchase p2 because THAT is the basis of their relationship.