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Turn the ASP a great god


There are a great god help you?
Asked the great spirit help me to write a simple asp website registration procedure, it is a registered account, password, QQ fill in line, and then to write the account number and password of register to fill out a drive letter (for example is D:/REG/1. The SCP in this text, but also check a 2. SCP in this text, this account does exist, there will prompt account has been saved, please change the account name) write D:/REG/1. The file format of SCP roughly as follows:

[this is the account name]

CodePudding user response:

Why want to write a text file inside? The practice or project requirements?
In addition, ASP operation is the server. The mapPath content under (), which is the root directory of the site the following content, can you so to absolute path specified implementation is one thing, from sense is wrong,

CodePudding user response:

Is need to register a game account, don't know you played or heard this game ultima online yet? The game itself in BUG can hack your online registration has problem, so you have to do a web site registered account, requirements and as I said above test account if anyone registered, not to register to write the text, I can put together this account folder on IIIS line.

CodePudding user response:

Very simple, can I

CodePudding user response:

refer to three and a half second floor response:
why want to write a text file inside? The practice or project requirements?
In addition, ASP operation is the server. The mapPath content under (), which is the root directory of the site the following content, can you so to absolute path specified implementation is one thing, from sense is wrong,

Can support the absolute path

CodePudding user response:

Reference, according to their own business to modify:
 surface code (regist. Asp) : 

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

Page code (regists. Asp) :

The user registration page & lt;/title> <! - # include file="access/conn. Asp" - & gt; <br/><br/><% <br/>If the trim (request (" username ")) & lt; & gt;" "And trim (request (" password")) & lt; & gt;" "Then <br/>Call a <br/>The else <br/>Response. Write "& lt; Script language='javascript' & gt;" & "Alert (' user name and password cannot be empty! '); history.go(-1); </script>" <br/>End the if <br/>% & gt; <br/><% <br/>Private sub a <br/>If (len (trim (request (" username "))) & gt; 5) and (len (trim (request (" password "))) & gt; 5) then <br/>The call b <br/>The else <br/>Response. Write "& lt; Script language='javascript' & gt;" & "Alert (' user name and password length shall not be less than 6 characters'); history.go(-1); </script>" <br/>End the if <br/>End sub <br/>% & gt; <br/><% <br/>Private sub b <br/>Set the rs=server. CreateObject (" adodb. You ") <br/>Rs. Open the "select * from regist the where the username='" & amp; Trim (request (" username ")) & amp; "'", conn, 1, 3 <br/>If not (eof) rs. Bof and rs. Then <br/>Rs. Close <br/>Set the rs=close <br/>Response. Write "& lt; Script language='javascript' & gt;" & "Alert (' sorry, the user name already exists! '); history.go(-1); </script>" <br/>The else <br/>Call c <br/>End the if <br/>End sub <br/><br/>% & gt; <br/><% <br/>Private sub c <br/>Dim pwd1 <br/>Pwd1=Request (" password ") <br/>Dim pwd2 <br/>Pwd2=Request (" repassword ") <br/>If pwd1 & lt;> Pwd2 then <br/>Rs. Close <br/>Response. Write "& lt; Script language='javascript' & gt;" & "Alert (' user password input is not consistent! '); history.go(-1); </script>" <br/>The else <br/>Call d <br/>End the if <br/>End sub <br/><br/>% & gt; <br/><% <br/>Private sub d <br/>Set the rs=server. CreateObject (" adodb. You ") <br/>Rs. Open the "select * from regist the where the username='" & amp; nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull </div> <div class="th_page th_page_color"></div> <div class="umCopyright"> <p>Page link:<a href="/frontend/25374.html" target="_blank" style="color:#999">https//www.codepudding.com/frontend/25374.html</a></p> </div> <div class="detail-arr"> <div class="detail-arr-left">Prev:<a href='/frontend/25373.html'>Bosses, ask a questions about the site search function</a></div> <div class="detail-arr-right">Next:<a href='/frontend/25375.html'>Using Java database changes the value of the database operation but get the value to modify the code</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container th_top"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="hot-tags neitags"> <ul> <li><i class="iconfont icon-x-tags"></i> Tags:  </li> <a href='/e/tags/?tagname=ASP' target='_blank'>ASP</a> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container th_top"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="xiangguan"> <ul class="msg msghead"> <li class="tbname">Related</li> </ul> <ul> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container th_top"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="flinks"> <ul> <li><i class="iconfont icon-x-tags"></i> Links:  </li> <li class="liflinks"><a target="_blank" href="/" title="CodePudding">CodePudding</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer"> <p><span style="font-size:16px;color:#666;font-weight: bold">About Us:</span>  <a href="https://www.codepudding.com/contact.html">Contact Us</a>      <a href="https://www.codepudding.com/service.html">Terms of Service</a>      <a href="https://www.codepudding.com/privacy.html"> Privacy Policy</a></p> <p class="foot_info">Copyright © 2010-2023,Powered By <a href="/" target="_blank">CodePudding</a> </p> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="/skin/code/tianhu.js"></script> </body></html>