I have something like:
class A
A(B* b, int* i)
void* args[] = { (void*)&b, (void*)&i };
But I need it to be more generic, in the sense that I want to the constructor of A
to accept any number of variables, of any type.
How do I accomplish this with templates?
CodePudding user response:
You can write your constructor this way:
class A {
template <class... Args>
A(Args*... pargs) {
void* args[] = { (void*)&pargs... };
Note that you are storing the address of the pointers, not the pointers themselves, in args
Also I wouldn't use that kind of things unless you have a very good reason to in actual code.
CodePudding user response:
First of all: Dont't do it! For me it looks like a design bug if you need to convert all and everything to void pointers. But ok, the code can be:
class A
template < typename ... T>
A(T*... parms)
void* args[] = { (void*)&parms... };
But why we need pointer to pointer withoud having the types anymore... I have no idea!