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SSRS Display Multi Select Parameters are part of report Output


I have a dropdown parameter that comes from a separate SQL procedure. It returns 3 strings like this ABC, XYZ, JKL. The parameter is mandatory, but the user can select 1 or 2 or all three of the values.

I need the report to display what the user selects. For example if they select ABC and JKL I need the report to display "Shows Report: ABC, JKL.

I have the following code

="Shows Report. Hall: " & iif(isnothing(Parameters!hall.Value(0) = true),"", Parameters!hall.Value(0) & ", ") & iif(isnothing(Parameters!hall.Value(1) = true),"", Parameters!hall.Value(1) & ", ") & iif(isnothing(Parameters!hall.Value(2) = true),"", Parameters!hall.Value(2) ) & "."

However when the report runs I get an #error every time it runs. The report does work if my code looks like this

="Shows Report. Hall: " & Parameters!hall.Value(0) & Parameters!hall.Value(1) & Parameters!hall.Value(2) But this only works if I select all three parameters, not 1 or 2 of them. This also doesn't give me any formatting. I could add "," in between but I only want them to display if there are more then one value.

Please advise on any suggestions to fix this issue

CodePudding user response:

Since it is a multi select parameter, why not just use this

="Shows Report. Hall: "   join(Parameters!hall.Value,", ")   
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