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Searching many sheets for values and put the results in one sheet


I have a list of employee with dates for leaves they got each month, those dates are different of course, now i want to create one sheet for all leaves to showcase all leaves they taken through year, not depending on the row but depending on the name of the employee

I tried to use query but its not working well for me, any idea please?

Sheet link: enter image description here

or in B2:

 {'1'!A2:A;'2'!A2:A;'3'!A2:A}, " ", CHAR(13))&"×"&{'1'!B2:F;'2'!B2:F;'3'!B2:F}), "×")), {"@", "dd/mm/yyyy"}), 
 "select max(Col2) where Col2 <> '30/12/1899' group bY Col2 pivot Col1"),,9^9)), " ")), {2,3,4,5,6}, )))

enter image description here

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