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how to convert from list of lists to a dictionary


Hi :) I have this table and I need to convert it into a dictionary where the firsl line are the keys and then each value from the rest of the tables will be values but iterating through them each at the time . I have this table :

my_table = [["Account Manager", "Name", "BP", "Contact", "Quote Name", "Type", "Status", "Total"],
            ["bubble", "kwlak", "5677", "conn", "987", "butter", "fish", "fill", "stat", "total"],
            ["rose", "kwlak", "5677", "conn", "987", "butter", "fish", "fill", "stat", "total"],
            ["purple", "kwlak", "5677", "conn", "987", "butter", "fish", "fill", "stat", "total"],
            ["dark", "kwlak", "5677", "conn", "987", "butter", "fish", "fill", "stat", "total"],
            ["star", "kwlak", "5677", "conn", "987", "butter", "fish", "fill", "stat", "total"],
            ["asmr", "kwlak", "5677", "conn", "987", "butter", "fish", "fill", "stat", "total"],]

This is the code used to iterate through it :

dict_from_table = {}
for position, key in enumerate(my_table[0]):
  dict_from_table[key] = []
  for value_row in my_table[1:2]:


And this is the output that comes from it :

{'Account Manager': ['bubble'], 'Name': ['kwlak'], 'BP': ['5677'], 'Contact': ['conn'], 'Quote Name': ['987'], 'Type': ['butter'], 'Status': ['fish'], 'Total': ['fill']}

I need it to go through all the lists and return each value once for the keys (Account manager , name , etc.) but also I do not want it to return the value as a list I want it to be in the same dictionary as the keys. Do I need another for loop ?

CodePudding user response:

You are nested loop is inverted. Since your keys are fixed, build an empty dictionary from those keys with empty lists as values:

In [7]: my_table = [["Account Manager", "Name", "BP", "Contact", "Quote Name", "Type", "Status", "Total"],
   ...:             ["bubble", "kwlak", "5677", "conn", "987", "butter", "fish", "fill", "stat", "total"],
   ...:             ["rose", "kwlak", "5677", "conn", "987", "butter", "fish", "fill", "stat", "total"],
   ...:             ["purple", "kwlak", "5677", "conn", "987", "butter", "fish", "fill", "stat", "total"],
   ...:             ["dark", "kwlak", "5677", "conn", "987", "butter", "fish", "fill", "stat", "total"],
   ...:             ["star", "kwlak", "5677", "conn", "987", "butter", "fish", "fill", "stat", "total"],
   ...:             ["asmr", "kwlak", "5677", "conn", "987", "butter", "fish", "fill", "stat", "total"],]

In [8]: keys = my_table[0]

In [9]: result = {k:[] for k in keys}

Then loop over the rest of the table:

In [10]: for row in my_table[1:]:
    ...:     for k,v in zip(keys, row):
    ...:         result[k].append(v)

In [11]: result
{'Account Manager': ['bubble', 'rose', 'purple', 'dark', 'star', 'asmr'],
 'Name': ['kwlak', 'kwlak', 'kwlak', 'kwlak', 'kwlak', 'kwlak'],
 'BP': ['5677', '5677', '5677', '5677', '5677', '5677'],
 'Contact': ['conn', 'conn', 'conn', 'conn', 'conn', 'conn'],
 'Quote Name': ['987', '987', '987', '987', '987', '987'],
 'Type': ['butter', 'butter', 'butter', 'butter', 'butter', 'butter'],
 'Status': ['fish', 'fish', 'fish', 'fish', 'fish', 'fish'],
 'Total': ['fill', 'fill', 'fill', 'fill', 'fill', 'fill']}

Although note, this assumes that your keys in the first row line up with the rest... the example data does not have that, but I assume this is just a transcription error.

CodePudding user response:

You can use zip to 'transpose' the table (switch rows and columns):

output = {column[0]: column[1:] for column in zip(*my_table)}

(Or use list(column[1:]) if you need a list instead of tuple.)

However if you are doing a lot of manipulation on table data, consider using pandas. You can create a dataframe like this:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(my_table[1:], columns=my_table[0])

then export it back to a dict of lists like this:

output = df.to_dict("list")

(You will need to make sure there are the same number of column headings as cells in each row first.)

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