I have an array of products that I fetched from APIs and it works perfectly. I map the array in ProductList page and prop drill each element to ProductListItem page. In that page I have rows of cards and each card has a like button from npm react-heart. What I want is to keep the state of the button after refreshing the page. There is no login or user. I think I need to use useEffect but after refreshing the page it doesnt work properly,thx
const ProductList = () => {
return (
{products.map((e) => (
<ProductListItem product={e} key={e.id} />
export default ProductList;
import Heart from "react-heart";
const ProductListItem = ({ product}) => {
const [active, setActive] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
const data = window.localStorage.getItem("key");
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
window.localStorage.setItem("key", active);
}, [active]);
return (
<div >
<div >
alt="Hollywood Sign on The Hill"
<div >
<h5 >Card title</h5>
<div style={{ width: "1rem" }}>
<Heart isActive={active} onClick={() => setActive(!active)} />
export default ProductListItem;
CodePudding user response:
The best way to go about this is to create a file to place a useLocalStorage custom hook. You should be able to copy and paste the following:
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
function getStorageValue(key, defaultValue) {
// getting stored value
const saved = localStorage.getItem(key);
const initial = JSON.parse(saved);
return initial || defaultValue;
export const useLocalStorage = (key, defaultValue) => {
const [value, setValue] = useState(() => {
return getStorageValue(key, defaultValue);
useEffect(() => {
// storing input name
localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
}, [key, value]);
return [value, setValue];
Then in your ProductListItem component. You want to import the useLocalStorage custom hook and use that in lieu of the useState hook like so:
import { useLocalStorage } from '[whereverYouPlaceThisFile]'
const [active, setActive] = useLocalStorage("active", "false")