I have some string in these format :
"13 hours and 24 minutes ago"
"12 minutes ago"
"3 seconds ago"
I want to convert these into real and absolute date.
I try to use Moment, with this code example :
var moment = require('moment');
var time = "14 hours and 24 minutes ago";
var formatted = moment(time, "HH hours and mm minutes ago").format("HH:mm:ss");
But it said me that my date is invalid, it does not like my weird date format.
How to process this ?
Thank you
CodePudding user response:
I'm not aware of a Moment native solution to your problem, but you can achieve the same result by combining RegExp
and Moment's subtract
Note: The code below is a simple example, and should be extended to other possible inputs.
* Works with:
* "3 second(s) ago"
* "12 minute(s) ago"
* "5 hour(s) ago"
* "13 hour(s) and 24 minute(s) ago"
const timeString = '1 hour and 15 minutes ago';
function getDateFromTimeAgo(time) {
const timeAgo = { hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0 };
const secondsAgoMatches = timeString.match(/^(\d ) (seconds? ago)/);
const minutesAgoMatches = timeString.match(/^(\d ) (minutes? ago)/);
const hoursAgoMatches = timeString.match(/^(\d ) (hours? ago)/);
const hoursAndMinutesAgoMatches = timeString.match(/^(\d ) (hours? and) (\d ) (minutes? ago)/);
if (secondsAgoMatches) {
timeAgo.seconds = secondsAgoMatches[1];
if (minutesAgoMatches) {
timeAgo.minutes = minutesAgoMatches[1];
if (hoursAgoMatches) {
timeAgo.hours = hoursAgoMatches[1];
if (hoursAndMinutesAgoMatches) {
timeAgo.hours = hoursAndMinutesAgoMatches[1];
timeAgo.minutes = hoursAndMinutesAgoMatches[3];
return moment()
.subtract(timeAgo.seconds, 'seconds')
.subtract(timeAgo.minutes, 'minutes')
.subtract(timeAgo.hours, 'hours')
It's a bit verbose, but you get the hang of it.