I have problem with reading specific column from Excel, type of that column is custom and if I change type it changes values. So, I am not sure how to convert in code this to can use same value like in Excel.
For example in Excel this column looks like this:
And now I want this to use in my code when I read excel file. But there is problem to compare with other hour, cause type of this column in excel is custom and if I change it to DateTime this change complete value?
I read value from Excel like this:
var loadTimeCell = (rangeSheet2.Cells[rCnt2, 2] as Excel.Range).Value2;
CodePudding user response:
TimeValue Function should do it for you. This converts a text string to a time value. Something like this would do the job:
y = rangeSheet2.Cells[rCnt2, 2].text
loadTimeCell = TimeValue(y)
Or you can also use this:
var loadTimeCell = TimeValue(cstr((rangeSheet2.Cells[rCnt2, 2] as Excel.Range).Value2));
CodePudding user response:
I don't know what library you're using for this, but you could try this alternate library that I maintain: Sylvan.Data.Excel, which should be able to read this data. Here is a complete C# 10 sample console app showing how to read values out of a time-only formatted column:
using Sylvan.Data.Excel;
var edr = ExcelDataReader.Create("data.xlsx");
// assumes a header row with column names.
var timeIdx = edr.GetOrdinal("Time");
while (edr.Read())
// read the value as a DateTime. Date component will be 0001-01-01.
var dt = edr.GetDateTime(timeIdx);
// Get the time of day.
var time = dt.TimeOfDay;