I need to calculate the exam result of students based on marks from each subject stored in separate rows. Please see the Marks table below.
The query I tried is coming too lengthy and too many conditions. Please someone help me how to achieve this with a simple TSQL.
CodePudding user response:
If "based on marks" means "based on whether some threshold has been reached", the query like that will help you.
Let's say SID passed exams when sum of marks equals or greater than 123
select sid,
case when sum(marks) < 123 then -- replace 123 with the threshold value
end result
from test_table
group by sid
here is the db fiddle to play with
CodePudding user response:
As you mentioned based on marks from each subject.
Means if any student have lesser marks in any subject then the student will be considered as failed.
;with test_table(sid, sub, marks) as (
select 23, 'English', 35 union all
select 23, 'Maths', 40 union all
select 23, 'Science', 20 union all
select 24, 'English', 60 union all
select 24, 'Maths', 50 union all
select 24, 'Science', 66
final_result as (
select sid, sub, case when marks < 33 then -1 else 0 end result
from test_table
select final_result.sid, case when sum(final_result.result) < 0 then 'Failed' else 'Passed' end FinalResult
from final_result
group by final_result.sid
CodePudding user response:
If you have minimum mark criteria for each subject, then check it with a CASE
expression. And then use another CASE
expression to check whether the no. pass criteria is matching with the total no.
declare @minMark as int = 35; -- change accordingly
select [sid],
case when (
sum(case when [marks] >= @minMark then 1 else 0 end) = count(*)
) then 'Pass' else 'Fail' end as [stat]
from [your_table_name]
group by [sid];