Home > front end >  Modifying the query to show data from another table Laravel or Ajax
Modifying the query to show data from another table Laravel or Ajax


I am making a hotel booking app using Laravel. I am at the part where i have to filter the rooms according to the inputted date. I am using ajax to achieve this.

$('#check-availability').on('click', function(){
                    var checkin_date = $('#check-checkin').val();
                        url:"{{url('/available_room')}}/"   checkin_date,  
                        dataType: 'json',
                            var r_html = '';

                            var input_checkin_date = $('#check-checkin').val();
                            var input_checkout_date = $('#check-checkout').val();
                            var input_adults = $('#check-adults').val();
                            var input_children = $('#check-children').val();

                                r_html  = '<div ><div ><div ></div><div ><div ><h5 id="room_name">' row.room_name '</h5><form action="/room/' row.id '" method="GET" name="grab"><input type="hidden"  id="a_checkin' row.id '" name="a_checkin" value="' input_checkin_date '"><input type="hidden"  id="a_checkout' row.id '" name="a_checkout" value="' input_checkout_date '"><input type="hidden"  id="a_adults' row.id '" name="a_adults" value="' input_adults '"><input type="hidden"  id="a_children' row.id '" name="a_children" value="' input_children '"><button type="submit" id="btn-view' row.id '" ><i ></i>View</button></form></div><p id="room_price">Start from <strong>P' row.price ' / night</strong></p><div ><span id="room_hotel" ><i ></i>' row.hotel '</span><span id="room_dimension" ><i ></i>' row.dimension '</span><span id="room_bed" ><i ></i>' row.no_of_beds ' beds</span></div><p id="room_desc" >' row.description '</p><div >' row.amenities '</div></div></div></div>';


                            var checkin_id = $('.a_checkin').attr('id');
                            var checkout_id = $('.a_checkout').attr('id');
                            var adults_id = $('.a_adults').attr('id');
                            var children_id = $('.a_children').attr('id');
                            var get_checkin = $('#'   checkin_id).val();
                            var get_checkout = $('#'   checkout_id).val();
                            var get_adults = $('#'   adults_id).val();
                            var get_children = $('#'   children_id).val();

                            localStorage.setItem('view_checkin', get_checkin);
                            localStorage.setItem('view_checkout', get_checkout);
                            localStorage.setItem('view_adults', get_adults);
                            localStorage.setItem('view_children', get_children);

This is my controller

public function check_available_room(Request $request, $checkin_date)
        $available_rooms = DB::SELECT("SELECT * FROM rooms WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT room_id FROM bookings WHERE '$checkin_date' BETWEEN checkin_date AND checkout_date)");

        return response()->json(['data'=>$available_rooms]);

and this the output enter image description here

My question is how do I modify the query or Ajax code to show the amenities (the numbers at the bottom) as icons like this (Amenities is a separate table) enter image description here

Originally I've achieved this using PHP on the view

   $data = $roomDetails->amenities;
   $dataArray = explode(',', $data);
   $responseData = [];
   foreach ($dataArray as $datas)
     $result = DB::table('amenities')->where('id', $datas)->get();

     foreach ($result as $res)
       $responseData[] = '<button type="button" >
                            <i ></i></button>';

<div >
   @foreach ($responseData as $output)
       {!! $output !!}

Thank you


I was able to show the icons by modifying the code inside ajax

var r_html = '';
var a_html = '';
   r_amenities = row.amenities;
   s_amenities = r_amenities.split(',');

   $.each(s_amenities, function(index, amenities){
       a_html  = '<button type="button" ><i ></i></button>';

   r_html  = '<div ><div ><div ></div><div ><div ><h5 id="room_name">' row.room_name '</h5><form action="/room/' row.id '" method="GET" name="grab"><input type="hidden"  id="a_checkin' row.id '" name="a_checkin" value="' input_checkin_date '"><input type="hidden"  id="a_checkout' row.id '" name="a_checkout" value="' input_checkout_date '"><input type="hidden"  id="a_adults' row.id '" name="a_adults" value="' input_adults '"><input type="hidden"  id="a_children' row.id '" name="a_children" value="' input_children '"><button type="submit" id="btn-view' row.id '" ><i ></i>View</button></form></div><p id="room_price">Start from <strong>P' row.price ' / night</strong></p><div ><span id="room_hotel" ><i ></i>' row.hotel '</span><span id="room_dimension" ><i ></i>' row.dimension '</span><span id="room_bed" ><i ></i>' row.no_of_beds ' beds</span></div><p id="room_desc" >' row.description '</p><div >' a_html '</div></div></div></div></div>';

Here's the output enter image description here

but it should be like this. how can i make it like this

enter image description here

Here's the console.log

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

you need a relation between amenities and rooms tables. and consider to using enter image description here

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