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How do I add Gurobi constraints and variables from lists of strings in an automated way?


Objective: Add variables and constraints in a loop to a Gurobi model from a list of variables and a list of constraints each of varying lengths where each variable and constraint is stored as a string

Problem: Gurobi only accepts variables and constraints in the Gurobi linear expression type. I need to do this in an automated way because the list of constraints might be very long. So somehow I need to convert those strings to a Gurobi LinExpr type.

Data: I have a list of variables as in this example:


and I have a list of constraints like that:

['y6 y7-d*y1>=0', '1*y2 1*y3-1*u1*d-y6-y7 d*y1>=0', '1*y4 1*y5-u2*1*d-y6-y7 d*y1>=0', '1*x1 1*x2-1*d-1*y2-1*y3 1*u1*d-1*y4-1*y5 u2*1*d y6 y7-d*y1>=0']

Desired Solution:

I want to add those variables to my Gurobi model as in this example:

y1 = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name = "y1", lb=0)
y2 = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name = "y2", lb=0)
y3 = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name = "y3", lb=0)
y4 = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name = "y4", lb=0)
y5 = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name = "y5", lb=0)
y6 = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name = "y6", lb=0)
y7 = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name = "y7", lb=0)

and the constraints like that:

c1 = model.addConstr(y1 y2-d*y1>=0,"c1")
c2 = model.addConstr(1*y2 1*y3-1*y5*d-y6-y7 d*y1>=0,"c2")
c3 = model.addConstr(1*y4 1*y5-u2*1*d-y6-y7 d*y1>=0,"c3")
c4 = model.addConstr(1*y1 1*y2-1*d-1*y2-1*y3 1*u1*d-1*y4-1*y5 u2*1*d y6 y7-d*y1>=0,"c4")

My Try:

I tried to store the data in a dictionary and use the update function to store the variables and constraints like this:

for y_variable in range(y_count-1):
        y_dict['y{}'.format(y_variable 1)]=model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name = "y{}".format(y_variable 1), lb=0)

for idx, constraint in enumerate(list_of_constraints):
    c_dict['c{}'.format(idx 1)]=model.addConstr(eval(constraint),"c{}".format(idx 1))

But, the error I get when I set the objective is

GurobiError: Variable not in model

Is there any way to convert strings to the Gurobi Linear Expression type?

CodePudding user response:

Just for the sake of completeness, another approach worth mentioning would be to transform all variables inside the constraint strings into index notation, e.g. y1 becomes y[1]. Using regular expressions, this is straightforward:

import re

def clean_constr_str(s, var_names):
    for var_name in var_names:
        s = re.sub(r"("   var_name   r")(\d*)", r"\1[\2]", s)
    return s

Here, s is the constraint string and var_names is an iterable containing all variable names. Given that you already know the variable names, this allows you to add all variables at once as a tupledict and then parse the constraints without modifying the logical symbol table:

import gurobipy as gp

variables = ["y1","y2","y3","y4","y5","y6","y7"]

list_of_constraints = [
    'y6 y7-d*y1>=0', 
    '1*y2 1*y3-1*u1*d-y6-y7 d*y1>=0', 
    '1*y4 1*y5-u2*1*d-y6-y7 d*y1>=0', 
    '1*x1 1*x2-1*d-1*y2-1*y3 1*u1*d-1*y4-1*y5 u2*1*d y6 y7-d*y1>=0'

model = gp.Model()

# Add all variables
y = model.addVars(range(1, len(variables) 1), vtype="C", name="y")
d = model.addVar(vtype="C", name="d")
u = model.addVars(range(1, 3), vtype="C", name="u")
x = model.addVars(range(1, 3), vtype="C", name="x")

# add the constraints
c = {}
for i, constraint in enumerate(list_of_constraints, 1):
    con = eval(clean_constr_str(constraint, ["y", "u", "x"]))
    c[i] = model.addConstr(con, name=f"c{i}")



  <gurobi.LinExpr: 0.0>
Subject To
  c1: <gurobi.QuadExpr: y[6]   y[7]   [ -1.0 y[1] * d ]> >= 0
c2: <gurobi.QuadExpr: y[2]   y[3]   -1.0 y[6]   -1.0 y[7]   [ y[1] * d   -1.0 d * u[1]
 ]> >= 0
c3: <gurobi.QuadExpr: y[4]   y[5]   -1.0 y[6]   -1.0 y[7]   [ y[1] * d   -1.0 d * u[2]
 ]> >= 0
c4: <gurobi.QuadExpr: -1.0 y[2]   -1.0 y[3]   -1.0 y[4]   -1.0 y[5]   y[6]   y[7]  
 -1.0 d   x[1]   x[2]   [ -1.0 y[1] * d   d * u[1]   d * u[2] ]> >= 0

CodePudding user response:

Here is a concise answer to your question but please keep in mind that this is very unsafe and error-prone and should never be used in actual code:

import gurobipy as gp

m = gp.Model()
variables = ["y1", "y2", "y3", "y4", "y5", "y6", "y7"]
constraints = ["y1 3*y2-y3>=2", "y4 y5 y6 y7==2"]

for v in variables:
    exec(f"{v} = m.addVar(name = '{v}')")

for c in constraints:



Subject To
 R0: y1   3 y2 - y3 >= 2
 R1: y4   y5   y6   y7 = 2

Similar questions have been asked multiple times on SO (e.g. here and in the linked duplicates) and the best way to work with "strings as variable names" simply is a dictionary.

Using addVars() is the correct way of creating the set of variables according to your specified list of names:

v = m.addVars(variables)


{'y1': <gurobi.Var C0>, 'y2': <gurobi.Var C1>, 'y3': <gurobi.Var C2>, 
 'y4': <gurobi.Var C3>, 'y5': <gurobi.Var C4>, 'y6': <gurobi.Var C5>,
 'y7': <gurobi.Var C6>

This is not possible for the list constraints, though.

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