actually, I need to put the returned values of the function (global_displacement(X)) into another running loop.
can someone please tell me how to obtain the required output?
and what idiotic mistake I have been doing.
as every time it gives me only the first([ 0, 0, X[0], X[1]]) OR
the last value([ X[20], X[21], X[53], X[54]]) in the output,
because of wrong indendation of "return j" in the below written code .
import numpy as np
X = [ 0.19515612, 0.36477665, 0.244737, 0.42873321, 0.16864666, 0.08636661, 0.05376605, -0.57201897, -0.00935055, -1.24923862, 0., -1.53111525, 0.00935055, -1.24923862, -0.05376605, -0.57201897, -0.1686466,
0.08636661, -0.244737, 0.42873321, -0.19515612, 0.36477665, 0.02279911, 0. , 0.3563355 , 0.01379104, 0. , 0.42289958, -0.00747999, 0. , 0.0825908, -0.02949519 , 0. , -0.57435396,
-0.04074819, 0. , -1.25069528 ,-0.02972642, 0. , -1.53227704, -0. , 0. , -1.25069528 , 0.02972642 , 0. , -0.57435396 , 0.04074819 , 0. , 0.0825908, 0.02949519, 0. ,
0.42289958, 0.00747999 , 0. , 0.3563355 , -0.01379104, -0.02279911]
def global_displacement(X):
global_displacements = np.array( [[ 0, 0, X[0], X[1]], [ X[0], X[1], X[2], X[3]], [ X[2], X[3],X[4], X[5]], [ X[4],X[5],X[6], X[7]],[ X[6],X[7],X[8],X[9]], [ X[8],X[9],X[10], X[11] ], [ X[10], X[11],X[12], X[13]], [ X[12], X[13],X[14], X[15]],[ X[14], X[15],X[16], X[17]],[ X[16], X[17],X[18], X[19]], [ X[18], X[19],X[20], X[21]],[ X[20], X[21], 0, 0],
[ X[0], X[1], X[23], X[24]], [ X[2], X[3], X[26],X[27]], [ X[4], X[5], X[29],X[30]], [ X[6], X[7], X[32],X[33]], [ X[8],X[9],X[35], X[36]], [ X[10], X[11], X[38], X[39]], [ X[12], X[13], X[41], X[42]] ,[ X[14], X[15], X[44], X[45]],[ X[16], X[17], X[47], X[48]],[ X[18], X[19], X[50], X[51]], [ X[20], X[21], X[53], X[54]] ] )
for i in (global_displacements):
j = i.reshape(4,1)
return j
this is the expected output, and I need to put these values in another loop, by calling this function.
[[0. ]
[0. ]
[0.244737 ]
[[0.244737 ]
[[ 0.16864666]
[ 0.08636661]
[ 0.05376605]
[[ 0.05376605]
[ 0. ]
[[ 0. ]
[ 0.00935055]
[[ 0.00935055]
[-0.1686466 ]
[ 0.08636661]]
[[-0.1686466 ]
[ 0.08636661]
[-0.244737 ]
[ 0.42873321]]
[[-0.244737 ]
[ 0.42873321]
[ 0.36477665]]
[ 0.36477665]
[ 0. ]
[ 0. ]]
[0. ]
[0.3563355 ]]
[[0.244737 ]
[0. ]
[0. ]
[0.0825908 ]]
[[ 0.05376605]
[ 0. ]
[ 0. ]
[[ 0. ]
[ 0. ]
[[ 0.00935055]
[ 0. ]
[ 0. ]
[[-0.1686466 ]
[ 0.08636661]
[ 0. ]
[ 0.0825908 ]]
[[-0.244737 ]
[ 0.42873321]
[ 0. ]
[ 0.42289958]]
[ 0.36477665]
[ 0. ]
[ 0.3563355 ]]
CodePudding user response:
Your function already converts everything into the right format except that the inner values should be stored into a list. For this you can use numpy.newaxis
. It is used to add a new dimension to your array (good post about its functionality).
import numpy as np
def global_displacement(X):
global_displacements = np.array( [[ 0, 0, X[0], X[1]], [ X[0], X[1], X[2], X[3]], [ X[2], X[3],X[4], X[5]], [ X[4],X[5],X[6], X[7]],[ X[6],X[7],X[8],X[9]], [ X[8],X[9],X[10], X[11] ], [ X[10], X[11],X[12], X[13]], [ X[12], X[13],X[14], X[15]],[ X[14], X[15],X[16], X[17]],[ X[16], X[17],X[18], X[19]], [ X[18], X[19],X[20], X[21]],[ X[20], X[21], 0, 0],
[ X[0], X[1], X[23], X[24]], [ X[2], X[3], X[26],X[27]], [ X[4], X[5], X[29],X[30]], [ X[6], X[7], X[32],X[33]], [ X[8],X[9],X[35], X[36]], [ X[10], X[11], X[38], X[39]], [ X[12], X[13], X[41], X[42]] ,[ X[14], X[15], X[44], X[45]],[ X[16], X[17], X[47], X[48]],[ X[18], X[19], X[50], X[51]], [ X[20], X[21], X[53], X[54]] ] )
new_structure = global_displacements[:, :, np.newaxis]
return new_structure
X = [ 0.19515612, 0.36477665, 0.244737, 0.42873321, 0.16864666, 0.08636661, 0.05376605, -0.57201897, -0.00935055, -1.24923862, 0., -1.53111525, 0.00935055, -1.24923862, -0.05376605, -0.57201897, -0.1686466,
0.08636661, -0.244737, 0.42873321, -0.19515612, 0.36477665, 0.02279911, 0. , 0.3563355 , 0.01379104, 0. , 0.42289958, -0.00747999, 0. , 0.0825908, -0.02949519 , 0. , -0.57435396,
-0.04074819, 0. , -1.25069528 ,-0.02972642, 0. , -1.53227704, -0. , 0. , -1.25069528 , 0.02972642 , 0. , -0.57435396 , 0.04074819 , 0. , 0.0825908, 0.02949519, 0. ,
0.42289958, 0.00747999 , 0. , 0.3563355 , -0.01379104, -0.02279911]
result = global_displacement(X)
[[[ 0. ]
[ 0. ]
[ 0.19515612]
[ 0.36477665]]
[[ 0.19515612]
[ 0.36477665]
[ 0.244737 ]
[ 0.42873321]]
[[ 0.244737 ]
[ 0.42873321]
[ 0.16864666]
[ 0.08636661]]
[[ 0.16864666]
[ 0.08636661]
[ 0.05376605]
[[ 0.05376605]
[ 0. ]
[[ 0. ]
[ 0.00935055]
[[ 0.00935055]
[-0.1686466 ]
[ 0.08636661]]
[[-0.1686466 ]
[ 0.08636661]
[-0.244737 ]
[ 0.42873321]]
[[-0.244737 ]
[ 0.42873321]
[ 0.36477665]]
[ 0.36477665]
[ 0. ]
[ 0. ]]
[[ 0.19515612]
[ 0.36477665]
[ 0. ]
[ 0.3563355 ]]
[[ 0.244737 ]
[ 0.42873321]
[ 0. ]
[ 0.42289958]]
[[ 0.16864666]
[ 0.08636661]
[ 0. ]
[ 0.0825908 ]]
[[ 0.05376605]
[ 0. ]
[ 0. ]
[[ 0. ]
[ 0. ]
[[ 0.00935055]
[ 0. ]
[ 0. ]
[[-0.1686466 ]
[ 0.08636661]
[ 0. ]
[ 0.0825908 ]]
[[-0.244737 ]
[ 0.42873321]
[ 0. ]
[ 0.42289958]]
[ 0.36477665]
[ 0. ]
[ 0.3563355 ]]]
CodePudding user response:
First off, you don't need .reshape
to transform a 1D array of N elements into a 2D array that's N by 1. You can just add a dimension to the array.
Second, you generally don't want to write loops to handle a Numpy array. You want to use Numpy tools to process everything at once. Just think about the problem in the full number of dimensions: you want to transform a 2D array that's M by N, into a 3D one that's M by N by 1. That's... still just adding a dimension to the array.
global_displacements = np.array(...)
return global_displacements[..., np.newaxis]