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Problems when updating an MySQL database, python


In the example below there is two dataframes, df and df1. I also have a MySQL database with two tables. Tables1 and Table2, both has the same columns as df.

What I want to do is:

  1. Use df1 to locate the correct row in table1,
  2. Move the row to table2 and update the columns 'REMOVED' (From False to True) and 'REMOVED_DATE (from None to '2022-01-10).
  3. Remove the row from table1

Below you see my effort. But it dosen't work, and I can imagine there is a better solution available. Any help would be much appreciated.

df=pd.DataFrame({'ID':[25, 10],
              'DATE':['2021-11-13', '2021-12-03'],
              'LOC': ['NY', 'ML'],
                'MAIL':['[email protected]', '[email protected]'],
                 'NR': ['100000', '200000'],
                'REMOVED': [False, False],


cols = "`,`".join([str(i) for i in df.columns.tolist()]) #use df to mirror the columns in the tables in the database.

for i, row in df1.iterrows():
    sql=f"SELECT ID FROM table1 WHERE id={id}" # Check if ID is in table1.
    if not z:
        print('insert') # if not, move on.
    else: #If ID in, update, move and delete
        sql=f"""UPDATE table1 SET (`"  cols   "`) VALUES ("   "%s,"*(len(row)-1)   "%s) WHERE id={id}""" # Update the whole row where ID match.
        cursor.execute(sql, tuple(row))
        sql=f"""INSERT INTO table2 SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id={id}""" #insert it into table2
        cursor.execute(str(sql), tuple(row))
        sql=f"""DELETE from table1 WHERE id={id}""" # Delete it from table1

CodePudding user response:

You don't need to update table1 -- there's nothing in the specification that indicates this is needed, and you're going to delete it anyway.

Your code doesn't change REMOVED and REMOVED_DATE when it's copying from table1 to table2. You can do this by replacing SELECT * with selecting all the columns other than those, and substituting the new values you want in the SELECT list.

You should also use parametrized queries rather than substituting values with f-strings.

cols = ",".join(f"`{col}`" for col in df.columns.tolist())
new_cols = ",".join('%s' if col in ('REMOVED', 'REMOVED_DATE') else f"`{col}`" for col in df.columns.tolist())
insert_sql=f"""INSERT INTO table2 ({cols}) SELECT {new_cols} FROM table1 WHERE id=%s""" #insert it into table2
delete_sql = """DELETE from table1 WHERE id=%s"""
select_sql = "SELECT ID FROM table1 WHERE id=%s"

for i, row in df1.iterrows():
    cursor.execute(select_sql, (id,))
    row = cursor.fetchone()

    if not row:
        print('insert') # if not, move on.

    else: #If ID in, update, move and delete
        cursor.execute(insert_sql, (False, '2022-01-10', id))
        cursor.execute(delete_sql, (id,))

You should only commit once for each set of operations when moving and deleting, so that they're an atomic set.

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