I have MySQL Query
$result = $db->rows("SELECT calendar_id, calendar_title, calendar_starttime, calendar_endtime
FROM (SELECT academic_schedule_id AS calendar_id, academic_schedule_name AS calendar_title, academic_schedule_datetimestart AS calendar_starttime, academic_schedule_datetimeend AS calendar_endtime, academic_schedule_status, academic_schedule_faculty
FROM academic_schedule_table
WHERE academic_schedule_faculty = 'Teknik Mesin' AND academic_schedule_status = 'Active'
SELECT appointment_table.dosen_schedule_id AS calendar_id, appointment_table.dosen_id, appointment_table.status, dosen_schedule_table.dosen_id, dosen_schedule_table.dosen_schedule_name AS calendar_title, dosen_schedule_table.dosen_schedule_datetimestart AS calendar_starttime, dosen_schedule_table.dosen_schedule_datetimeend AS calendar_endtime
FROM appointment_table
INNER JOIN dosen_table
ON dosen_table.dosen_id = appointment_table.dosen_id
INNER JOIN dosen_schedule_table
ON dosen_schedule_table.dosen_schedule_id = appointment_table.dosen_schedule_id
WHERE appointment_table.siswa_id = ".$_SESSION['siswa_id']." AND appointment_table.status = 'Disetujui'
) ab
GROUP BY calendar_id, calendar_title, calendar_starttime, calendar_endtime");
From that query i need 4 column (calendar_id, calendar_title, calendar_starttime, calendar_endtime)
As u can see the first SELECT query SELECT academic_schedule_id AS calendar_id ...
is having different number of column from the second SELECT query SELECT appointment_table.dosen_schedule_id AS calendar_id ...
But it give me Cardinality violation: 1222 The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
which one i do it wrong?
What's wrong with it?
CodePudding user response:
Change your statement, so that you have the same number (and type) in both select statements:
$result = $db->rows("SELECT calendar_id, calendar_title, calendar_starttime, calendar_endtime
FROM (SELECT academic_schedule_id AS calendar_id, academic_schedule_name AS calendar_title, academic_schedule_datetimestart AS calendar_starttime, academic_schedule_datetimeend AS calendar_endtime
FROM academic_schedule_table
WHERE academic_schedule_faculty = 'Teknik Mesin' AND academic_schedule_status = 'Active'
SELECT appointment_table.dosen_schedule_id AS calendar_id, dosen_schedule_table.dosen_schedule_name AS calendar_title, dosen_schedule_table.dosen_schedule_datetimestart AS calendar_starttime, dosen_schedule_table.dosen_schedule_datetimeend AS calendar_endtime
FROM appointment_table
INNER JOIN dosen_table
ON dosen_table.dosen_id = appointment_table.dosen_id
INNER JOIN dosen_schedule_table
ON dosen_schedule_table.dosen_schedule_id = appointment_table.dosen_schedule_id
WHERE appointment_table.siswa_id = ".$_SESSION['siswa_id']." AND appointment_table.status = 'Disetujui'
) ab
GROUP BY calendar_id, calendar_title, calendar_starttime, calendar_endtime");
CodePudding user response:
There are more columns in the second select statement than the first one.
There are 6 columns in first select statement and 7 columns in the second statement.
You need to change the column ORDINAL POSITION to match the data or cast/convert the data type to match both.