Let's say I have the following df
0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5
0 Fondo Oceano Cuerpo Cuerpo cangrejo Ojos Antenas Color Amarillo Pinzas None Puas None
1 Fondo Oceano Cuerpo Cuerpo cangrejo Ojos Antenas Color Amarillo Pinzas None Puas Arena
2 Fondo Oceano Cuerpo Cuerpo cangrejo Ojos Antenas Color Amarillo Pinzas None Puas Marron
3 Fondo Oceano Cuerpo Cuerpo cangrejo Ojos Antenas Color Amarillo Pinzas None Puas Purpura
4 Fondo Oceano Cuerpo Cuerpo cangrejo Ojos Antenas Color Amarillo Pinzas None Puas Verde
I know I can use Series.iteritems
this way to iterate over a particular row in this df
and print the content of each cell in a particular row (ignoring the index column):
row = 0 #desired row
for _, e in df.iloc[row].iteritems():
Cuerpo cangrejo
But what I need like to learn now is how could I improve the loop above so that it creates a dictionary that has even cells as keys
and odd cells as values
In other words, how could I get the following dictionary for the 0
row as output?
the_dic = { 'Fondo':'Oceano',
'Cuerpo': 'Cuerpo cangrejo',
'Ojos': 'Antenas',
'Color': 'Amarillo',
'Pinzas': 'None',
'Puas': 'None'
PS: The 'None' element in this case is a str
value and not the object None
CodePudding user response:
EDIT: Solution working if 2 duplicated values in columns names like in sample data:
print (df.columns)
Int64Index([0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5], dtype='int64')
You can loop by indices with convert first and second values in dict comprehension:
row = 0
d = {x.iat[0]: x.iat[1] for name, x in df.iloc[row].groupby(level=0)}
print (d)
{'Fondo': 'Oceano', 'Cuerpo': 'Cuerpo cangrejo', 'Ojos': 'Antenas', 'Color': 'Amarillo', 'Pinzas': 'None', 'Puas': 'None'}
Or filter first and last indices and add zip
with dict
row = 0
s = df.iloc[row]
d = dict(zip(s[~s.index.duplicated()], s[~s.index.duplicated(keep='last')]))
print (d)
{'Fondo': 'Oceano', 'Cuerpo': 'Cuerpo cangrejo', 'Ojos': 'Antenas', 'Color': 'Amarillo', 'Pinzas': 'None', 'Puas': 'None'}
For testing:
s = pd.Series(['Fondo', 'Oceano', 'Cuerpo', 'Cuerpo cangrejo', 'Ojos',
'Antenas', 'Color', 'Amarillo', 'Pinzas', 'None', 'Puas', 'None'],
print (s)
0 Fondo
0 Oceano
1 Cuerpo
1 Cuerpo cangrejo
2 Ojos
2 Antenas
3 Color
3 Amarillo
4 Pinzas
4 None
5 Puas
5 None
dtype: object
d = dict(zip(s[~s.index.duplicated(keep='last')], s[~s.index.duplicated()]))
print (d)
{'Oceano': 'Fondo', 'Cuerpo cangrejo': 'Cuerpo', 'Antenas': 'Ojos', 'Amarillo': 'Color', 'None': 'Puas'}