I have an object that describes service definitions. Each service definition may "inject" other service definitions through the optional dependencies
How can I only allow keys that exist within this object? For example, in the screenshot below, I've defined the service "viewport" which I inject in "clock". Intellisense/autocomplete should only show "viewport".
Is this even possible?
So in the example above, I would only expect "clock" and "viewport" to appear as possible options for the "dependencies" array. I know clock shouldn't be able to inject itself, but I'm okay with that.
CodePudding user response:
You could create a generic function to create the config, since it infers the types
function createConfiguration<T extends ContainerConfiguration<R>, R extends keyof T>(config: T) {
return config
And update your types to take generic arguments
type ContainerConfiguration<T extends string | number | symbol = any> = {
[P in T]: ServiceDefinition<Exclude<T,P>>
type ServiceDefinition<T> = {
class: new (...args: any[]) => any;
dependencies?: T[]