I have not very well structured JSON from BE (that I cannot change) which was formerly handled with moshi (custom adapter for the issue). Now I am trying to use pure kotlin serialization instead, but as said, JSON structure doesn't help me much.
"foo": {
"mask": [
"values": [
{ "bar": 1, ... }
"values": [
"important text i guess"
Now as you can see my issue is with values that can contains both object as well as string. All this should be parsed into kotlin where values looks like this:
data class Values(
val bar: Int? = null,
val text: String? = null,
Theoretically I can change local implementation, e.g. split the values class or something. I've already tried to apply Polymorphic deserialization, but as I understand it was not able to recognise difference between two descendants of values without classDiscriminator set in JSON.
Any good advice?
The polymorphic version I tried (in case I just made some error)
sealed class Values{
data class ObjectValues(
val bar: Int? = null,
data class TextValues(
val text: String? = null
and use it:
Json {
ignoreUnknownKeys = true
serializersModule = SerializersModule {
polymorphic(Values::class) {
subclass(Values.ObjectValues::class, Values.ObjectValues.serializer())
subclass(Values.TextValues::class, Values.TextValues.serializer())
Polymorphic serializer was not found for missing class discriminator ('null')
JSON input: {"bar":42,...}
Disclaimer I know that this would fix it all :)
"values": [ { "text":"important text i guess" } ]
CodePudding user response:
Having classDiscriminator
is not a mandatory requirement for polymorphic deserialization. You can use content-based polymorphic deserialization in this case.
All you need is to define a JsonContentPolymorphicSerializer
for Values
class with some logic for exact subclass serializer selection:
object ValuesSerializer : JsonContentPolymorphicSerializer<Values>(Values::class) {
override fun selectDeserializer(element: JsonElement) = when {
element.jsonObject["values"]!!.jsonArray.first() is JsonObject -> ObjectValues.serializer()
else -> TextValues.serializer()
and wire it as a serializer for Values
@Serializable(with = ValuesSerializer::class)
sealed class Values
data class TextValues(val values: List<String>) : Values()
data class ObjectValues(val values: List<Bar>) : Values()
data class Bar(val bar: Int)
data class MyJson(val foo: Foo)
data class Foo(val version: Int, val mask: List<Values>)
No need for serializersModule
val result = Json.decodeFromString<MyJson>(json)