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How can I parse a char pointer string and put specific parts it in a map in C ?


Lets say I have a char pointer like this:

const char* myS = "John 25 Lost Angeles";

I want to parse this string and put it in a hashmap, so I can retrieve the person's age and city based on his name only. Example:

std::map<string, string> myMap;

john_info = myMap.find("John");

How can I do this to return all of John's info in an elegant way ? I come from a Java background and I really want to know how this is properly done in C . That would also be cool if you can show me how to do this using a boost map (if it is easier that way). Thank you.

CodePudding user response:

I'm going to show you one way to do it using Boost:

Live On Coliru

#include <map>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <iostream>
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;

using Name = std::string;
struct Details {
    unsigned age;
    std::string city;

using Map   = std::map<Name, Details>;
using Entry = Map::value_type;


int main() {
    Map persons;

    std::string_view myS = //
        "John 25 Lost Angeles\n"
        "Agnes 22 Minion Appolis";

    auto name    = x3::lexeme[ x3::graph];
    auto age     = x3::uint_;
    auto city    = x3::raw[*(x3::char_ - x3::eol)];
    auto details = x3::rule<struct details_, Details>{} = age >> city;
    auto line    = name >> details;
    auto grammar = x3::skip(x3::blank)[line % x3::eol];

    if (x3::parse(myS.begin(), myS.end(), grammar, persons)) {
        for (auto& [name, details] : persons)
            std::cout << name << " has age " << details.age << "\n";
        for (auto& [name, details] : persons)
            std::cout << name << " lives in " << details.city << "\n";

    // lookup:
    std::cout << "John was " << persons.at("John").age << " years old at the time of writing\n";


Agnes has age 22
John has age 25
Agnes lives in Minion Appolis
John lives in Lost Angeles
John was 25 years old at the time of writing

To use a hash-map, just replace

using Map   = std::map<Name, Details>;


using Map   = std::unordered_map<Name, Details>;

Now the output will be in implementation-defined order.


If this is home-work, please don't use this (kind of) approach. It will be very clear it was copy-pasted. Never use code you don't fully understand.

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